Student Services
AVC Theatre Arts Department to Hold Auditions for Latin History for Morons Production
Latin History for Morons

The Antelope Valley College Theatre Arts Department is holding general auditions for the production “Latin History for Morons” by actor and comedian John Leguizamo.

“Latin History for Morons” is a comedy show about 3,000 years of Latin history that has been adapted as a theatrical play. 

Aspiring actors are welcome to audition with a two-minute comedic monologue. Those interested in technical theatre are also encouraged to attend the auditions for a brief interview. 

Students selected to participate in the festival must be enrolled in THA 116: Rehearsal & Performance. Rehearsals are scheduled on weekday evenings depending on the unit load.  

For additional information, contact Carla Corona

General Auditions
Friday, February 7 from 4-8 p.m.
Saturday, February 8 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 
Black Box Theatre (FA2 130) 

Callback Auditions
Saturday, February 8
2-6 p.m.