Guest Speaker Process
Antelope Valley College recognizes the value that guest speakers with demonstrated expertise in an area of interest can bring to the college community. Accordingly, a guest speaker may be invited to the college who may contribute intellectually, culturally or otherwise. The Guest Speaker Process has been devised to help the college determine the proper clearance required for the speaker, based upon the nature of their visit.
Employees of Antelope Valley College shall also complete the Guest Speaker Process. Employees must abide by all Board Policies and Administrative Procedures of the District when speaking to classes or groups on campus or at campus events.
STEP 1 – GUEST SPEAKER SCREENING FORM (to be completed by the Requestor)
AVC employees requesting a guest speaker will need to first complete the Guest Speaker Screening Form. Based on the responses provided, one of the departments below will be deemed as the appropriate route for the request:
1. VP Academic Affairs Office/VP Student Services
2. Business Services
3. Human Resources
At the end of the questionnaire:
- If the responses indicate that the request should be directed to either Business Services or Human Resources, contact information for the appropriate department will be displayed.
- If the responses require the request to be processed through Academic Affairs or Student Services, the Requestor will be sent, to their AVC email address, the Speaker Request Form (Step 2 below).
STEP 2 – GUEST SPEAKER REQUEST FORM (to be completed by the Requestor)
The Guest Speaker Request Form will be processed using Adobe Sign. The Requestor should complete the:
1. Contact Information
2. Details about the Speaker and Topic, and
3. Either the Classroom or Non-Classroom section
Adobe Sign will notify the Requestor whether the form has been approved. Upon approval, VP Academic Affairs or VP Student Services will automatically send the Guest Speaker Agreement to the Guest Speaker. At this point, we also encourage requestors to proceed to Step 3 for a short training if they are requesting a virtual speaker.
Those requesting a virtual speaker are encouraged to click on the Virtual Speaker Settings Instructions link (also at the bottom of the Request form) to learn about the most-recommended settings in Zoom that will help guard the privacy of our students.
Upon approval of the Guest Speaker Request Form, the Guest Speaker will be sent, via email, the Guest Speaker Agreement, which is an agreement form to be used for guest speakers presenting to students in person or in the virtual environment.
The form is to be submitted to the VP Academic Affairs or VP Student Services Office at least one week prior to the date of the event. Upon approval, a copy of the form will be provided to the department/division, the appropriate VP and the Requestor.