Internal Audit Services
The internal audit function at AVC is an objective assurance and consulting activity designed to strengthen and protect Antelope Valley College's value to its students, community, employees and stakeholders. Our goal is to support District initiatives by promoting proactive improvement in the effectiveness, efficiency and integrity of operations. Our office strives to foster:
- Continual and pro-active risk assessment
- Consistent and effective application of internal controls
- Prudent use & safeguarding of resources
- Accurate, objective, informative & expedient reporting
- Compliance with policies, regulations, codes and laws
- Efficient and organized maintenance of records
- Value added recommendations for process improvement and/or corrective action
- A flexible audit plan to address unanticipated events or needs as they arise
- Timely and thorough investigation of alleged misuse or misappropriation of resources
- Integrity in the workplace
- A trustworthy, collaborative, mission-focused partnership between District employees and the Internal Auditor.
Wendy Dumas
Director of Budget Reporting and Compliance
(661) 722-6300, ext. 6997