Friday, April 2, 2021 |
Panel discussion to address submitted questions and input on the Instructional Continuity Grid, a draft document forwarded to faculty on March 25th, outlining the plan to implement safeguards for a mindful, orderly and gradual return to campus. |
Friday, April 23, 2021 |
Agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y_r1Te4oSwv_dqrcVVB-0zRNQvoVjG99/view?usp=sharing Please be advised that the Facilities Update was deferred to the next meeting. Meeting Video: https://avc.zoom.us/rec/share/ZY3hFPHtZ-7ekKsYD5oiAccXycZ21odHeW7_pS2XERps7_oh_olEF87O21_1L3hk.wdO460pUC-9Vm0KF?startTime=1619192092000 Extron Video Guide: https://avc.knowmia.com/eYK3 |
Friday, May 28, 2021 |
Agenda: There was no agenda for this meeting Meeting Video: https://avc.zoom.us/rec/share/T-eMprX_5rHo1ql5iRYmbsG0ooSP5u9cCMQgfh1iRuTTMo7gHAFCdOAu6Svzb_WY.1ssOtQm9VPNP__7v?startTime=1622214983000 |
Friday, June 25, 2021 |
Agenda: There was no agenda for this meeting Meeting Video: https://avc.zoom.us/rec/share/AW7QivzeQCAwsV0h-dBFxZdYODEwK-wWQv4gY3pHKihB5yhYgrjwoZ027KnP1i55.iEm2S-htv3wyG6Bv |
Friday, July 23, 2021 |
Agenda: There was no agenda for this meeting Meeting Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OBgCKzVs8_ZgonbExEvM62WmbVawNV0l/view?ts=611158df |
Friday, September 24, 2021 |
Agenda: There was no agenda for this meeting Meeting Video: https://avc.knowmia.com/ak40 |
Friday, October 22, 2021 |
Agenda: There was no agenda for this meeting Meeting Video: https://avc.knowmia.com/cNMg |