ITS & IMC: Staffing & Facts
As of September 2020
ITS/IMC includes 35 permanent staff and managers (org chart). During a typical week we address 500 - 600 requests for help, support, and network access (passwords) in our effort to provide the highest level of customer service to nearly 18,000 students and over 1,100 faculty & district employees, across three sites.
Current Staffing:- Executive Director
- Administrative Assistant
- Director of Technology Operations
- Director, Enterprise Applications & Data Protection
- Project Manager
- Manager, Instructional & Support Services
- Clerical III
- Clerical II - Evening Help Desk
- (3) Technical Analyst
- Technical Trainer
- Web Developer
- Telecommunications Technician
- Database Administrator
- (2 System Security Administrator
- (3) System Administrators
- (2) Computer Lab Technicians
- (4) Programmer, Analysts
- (5) Computer Services Technicians
- ITS maintains 40 physical servers hosting over 300 virtual servers and 25 databases, hosting dozens of specalized programs and services
The Information Multi-Media Center (IMC) is a strategic part of the Information Technology Services instructional support mission. IMC provides a variety of instructional services to students and faculty. Learn more about IMC services at the IMC webpage
Current Staffing:- Manager, Instructional Resources & Design
- IMC Coordinator
- (1) Instructional Multimedia Specialist
- (1) Instructional Multimedia Technical Assistant
- (1) Technical Trainer
- Services include
- A repository of over 5,000 instructional videos.
- Publishing classroom lecture podcasts each semester.
- Coordinating close-captioning; in-house, self-service, and professionally produced.
- Scheduling and support for the Faculty/Staff Training Room (BE 132), and an 18-seat theater (BE 118).