People, Culture and Talent (HR): Staff Training Opportunities
Training is provided via the Keenan Safe Colleges Learning Management System. The training can be accessed at https://avc-keenan.safecolleges.com/login - simply enter your AVC email address to login. If you were employed by AVC prior to June 30, 2023, you will use your old email address. You may receive an email from Keenan SafeColleges.com with the instructions and outstanding training that has been assigned to you.
If you are unable to log-in, or you do not receive an email from you can self enroll with the following link: https://avc-keenan.safecolleges.com/register/f1897f8c Some of you may already be familiar with the Keenan Safe Colleges system and how to navigate through these online training sessions. If not, rest assured it is very intuitive and simple. Below we have included some frequently asked questions to assist you in completing the training.
Employee Compliance Training - Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who will the email about online training come from?
A: Please check your email for online training information from Keenan SafeColleges.com.
Q: When will I get the email?
A: You should receive the email from Keenan Safe Colleges annually. As always, you may want to check your spam folder.
A: If you do not receive the email, you can self-register using the following link: https://avc-keenan.safecolleges.com/register/f1897f8c
A: The email from Keenan will contain a link to the training, your personal login information which is your email address and the name of the training(s) assigned. Simply follow the directions on the email to access the assigned training(s).
Q: How do I do the training?
A: Please access the trainings at https://avc-keenan.safecolleges.com/login and log-in using your AVC email address. If you were employed by AVC prior to June 30, 2023, you will use your old email address. Once you log-in, you will see the assigned training in your profile.
Q: What training do I have to complete?
A: The following trainings have been assigned to each employee profile, please note those that are mandatory for all employees:
- Sexual Harassment: Policy and Prevention* (California AB1825 Full) – 120 minutes OR Sexual Harassment for Non-Managers* – 60 minutes (due every 2 years)
- Mandated Reporter Child Abuse and Neglect – 38 minutes
- FERPA: Confidentiality of Records – 17 minutes
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program* (IIPP) (Supervisor) – 20 minutes OR Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) (Non-Management) –17 minutes
- Acknowledgement of Board Policies and Administrative Procedures – 60 minutes
- Cybersecurity Overview – 15 minutes
- Implicit Bias and Microaggression – 19 minutes
- General Ethics in the Workplace – 19 minutes*This course has both a management and employee version, the proper course will be automatically assigned to you based on your current role at the college.
- Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Prevention - 26 minutes
- Heat Illness Prevention in student Athlete - 16 minutes
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - 17 minutes
A: Yes, the training is ADA compliant and is delivered in written and video format, if you have any problems please email contacthr@avc.edu and we will address your concerns with Keenan.
A: You do not need to provide proof of completion for the mandatory courses. Human Resources will receive reports of this information. You can elect to print the course certificate of completion for your own purposes or if your supervisor requests the certificate. If you completed the training at a different institution and have the certificate HR will accept the certificate.
A: The preferred browsers are Firefox and Google.
A: These courses are formatted into small modules that allow for completion in portions with minimal disruption. If you need to stop the training at any point, when you log back into the system and re-access the training you were in, you will be brought back to the last completed module in order to resume. Ideally, completing the current module in progress is best practice for completing courses in segments.
A: Should you encounter any difficulties with accessing or navigating any of the learning management platforms, feel free to reach out to the contacts provided within the emails you receive or email contacthr@avc.edu.
A: There are a number of other beneficial informational modules in Keenan Safe Colleges that are searchable and can be self-assigned.
Mandated Reporter Resources