FPD Events Calendar:
To view the Vision Resource Center's calendar of scheduled FPD events, and to sign up for sessions, please click HERE.
Faculty Professional Development and the Vision Resource Center (Cornerstone)
Training materials for the new Vision Resource Center (Cornerstone) system can be found in the Technical Training course FPD module . There are several pages in the module with explanations, instructions, and videos. Information may change as the system matures so please make sure to revisit the module from time to time.
FPD FACULTY Sign-In Sheet This is a fillable PDF to print and use at your flex event to record FACULTY attendance only. You will need to email the completed sign-in sheet to the Senate Coordinator, at Darlene.OKeeffe@avc.edu, after your event. Your attendees will not receive the proper credit if the sign-in sheet is not turned in. Please ask your attendees to print legibly on the sign-in sheet. If the name cannot be read, then that faculty will lose those hours.
Please print out and use a separate sign-in sheet for students and staff as these should not be turned in. Student/Staff sign-in sheets are for your personal records. Only faculty sign-in sheets should be emailed to the Senate Coordinator.
FPD Change & Cancellation Request Form 24/25 - Use this online form to request changes to OR cancellation of your 24/25 event(s). Please be detailed and specific in the changes needed for your event.
When attending an event, please be sure to:
- Use the Vision Resource Center (Cornerstone) system to Request events (RSVP)
- Sign in using the events' physical sign in sheets when you arrive at the venue (and be sure to write legibly so you get the FPD credit), or
- Sign into Zoom so that your full name is shown (chat is not used for attendance). If your name is not on the Zoom log we pull after the event, we will be unable to record your attendance as there is no documented proof that you indeed attended.
Faculty report greatest satisfaction when opportunities for participation and fellowship are present. Your AVID colleagues are wonderful sources for ideas on how to incorporate these types of strategies into your presentation.
- My.avid.org
- Log-in: antelopevalleycollege@california.com
- Password: Success2019