OSD's NEW, ONLINE, Alternative Testing Process
All Lancaster and Palmdale instructors can now utilize their OSD Instructor Portal to complete the Alternative Testing Agreement (which provides your exam instructions), and upload exams for their OSD Students. Proctored exams will take place at either the Assessment & Testing Center in SSV 140 in Lancaster, or at Student Services in the Palmdale Center. **We are only proctoring exams for students in Face-to-Face or Blended classes.**
To Access your OSD Instructor Portal, click on the Instructor Portal link HERE and log in using your SSO login and password.
You will be able to see all OSD students who are registered in your classes, and directly access their Accommodation/Eligibility letters, and also upload their exams.
OSD does not routinely notify instructors if they will be having a student with a disability in their class. It is important that disabled students learn to communicate directly with the instructor to express their needs and to establish a working relationship. OSD does notify some instructors regarding a student's special needs, only with the students permission.
When your OSD student requests their accommodation be sent to you, in that accommodation letter there will be a link for you to complete the Alternative Testing Agreement for that class so that you can provide us with your proctoring instructions.
PLEASE note that your OSD students are required to schedule their exam appointments at least 5 days prior to the exam. This is done by them, through their OSD Student Portal. This will kick off a system email to you with a link to upload the exam for that class.
Questions Regarding the NEW Exam Scheduling and Test Proctoring Process: Please contact Alternative Testing staff at the Testing & Assessment Center office in SSV 140 at 661-722-6536, or AlternativeTesting@avc.edu
Questions/Requests Regarding Accommodations or an OSD Student: Please contact OSD directly at x6360, or osd@avc.edu.
To Access Your OSD Instructor Portal
Faculty FAQs:
Q1: Do I still need to complete the paper Test Accommodation Request forms in order for my OSD students to have their tests proctored at the Testing & Assessment center?
A1: No, we no longer use paper forms. Students are now REQUIRED to schedule their exams through their OSD Student Portal at least 5 days prior to the test date.
- If any OSD students have questions about how to send their Accommodation letter to you, please have them contact OSD at 661-722-6360, or osd@avc.edu
- If Lancaster OSD students have questions about scheduling their exams, please advise them to contact the Testing Center at 661-722-6536, or AlternativeTesting@avc.edu.
- If Palmdale OSD students have questions about scheduling their exams, please advise them to contact Jose Blanco at 661-722-6300 x6207, or jose.blanco@avc.edu.
Q2: What is the email address and contact person for the testing locations at the Lancaster and Palmdale campuses?
A2: If you have questions about the new testing process, please contact the appropriate location below:
- Lancaster Campus: Testing & Assessment Center: Ryan Razimianaraki, Clerical III, Phone: 661-722-6536, Email: AlternativeTesting@avc.edu
- Palmdale Campus: Testing Contact: Jose Blanco, Clerical III, Phone: 661-722-6300 x6207, Email: jose.blanco@avc.edu students.
Q3: How do I extend time in Canvas for exams/quizzes in order to give our OSD students the extended time they're accommodated for?
A3: Instructions for this are found HERE, as well as answers to other Canvas questions you might have.
Q4: My student has an accommodation that allows them to use a 3x5 card on exams. Am I allowed to review this card prior to the exam? I do not allow other students to use any notes during exams, and this accommodation makes me uncomfortable.
A4: The 3x5 card for exam accommodation is provided by OSD. The 3x5 card for exams is supposed to serve as a memory prompt only, not a complete set of notes. It is usually specified to be single-sided (though in some cases it is double-sided), the print should be large enough for the student to read (no magnifying glass or enhancement can be used to read it), and it is to be turned in with the exam. Remember, this is an accommodation. So, it has been granted to "level the playing field," and compensate for a functional limitation that student has. Yes, you can review the card prior to the exam. The card to will be returned to you, with all testing materials, once the student has taken the exam.