- Facilities Planning & Campus Development (FPC)
- Maintenance & Operations (M&O)
- Facilities Services Work Request System
- Custodial (CUST)
- Grounds Maintenance (GRNDS)
- Maintenance (MAINT)
- Plumbing
- Lock and Key
- Electrical
- General Maintenance
Facilities Planning and Campus Development (FPC)
- How do new buildings get funded?
Answer: Capital outlay funding for new buildings or major building modernizations is provided from either state bond measures for state school facilities or from a local bond measure that is solely for AVCCD facilities and other capital outlay projects. Other funding sources, including general fund, redevelopment fund and grant funds are not sufficient to fund major construction projects. - How does the state determine which college gets a new building?
Answer: The Chancellor’s office ranks all projects submitted by the 118 community colleges each year by a point system. Points are earned in four categories for a project with the maximum point total equaling 200. Projects with the highest point totals are funded until funding is no longer available. If a space category for a project has a capacity/load ratio of less than 100, the project will not be considered. - What is a capacity/load ratio?
Answer: Capacity is defined as the total assignable square feet in the district for a specific space category. The space categories include office, lecture and laboratory. Load is defined as the total student contact hours or full time equivalent office personnel assigned to a specific space category. A capacity/load ratio that exceeds 100 indicates that the college has a justified need for additional space for that specific space category. For a project that includes office, lecture and lab space, all space categories must have a capacity/load ratio exceeding 100 or the project will not be supported. - Who determines the districts new facilities priorities?
Answer: The district follows a lengthy and comprehensive process for identifying and prioritizing new facility projects. The initial step is to assess the districts educational master plan, as well as facility safety/code compliance requirements, and develop a facilities master plan. On an annual basis, projects from the facilities master plan are prioritized based on a risk/value analysis. The highest ranked projects are assessed per the Chancellors Office point system and project capacity/load ratios. A final project ranking is recommended and reviewed with district leadership. Each year a Five Year Construction Plan is presented to the Board of Trustees for approval. Once approved, this plan is submitted to the Chancellors Office for review and funding consideration. Our current Facilities Master Plan can be viewed on our website. - How are major facility repairs and renovations funded?
Answer: Major building and system repairs have historically been funded with redevelopment funds. State scheduled maintenance funds have historically been received on an infrequent basis and at a very low funding level. With future redevelopment funds potentially disappearing, the ability to fund future facility repairs and renovations is uncertain. - How are annual maintenance and operations requirements funded?
Answer: Funding for regular annual maintenance and operations requirements is provided from the district general fund. - What do new buildings cost?
Answer: The cost per square foot of recently completed buildings: Health & Sciences Building - $555/sq. ft.; Performing Arts Theater - $444/sq. ft. The estimated cost per square foot of proposed new buildings: Teaching & Learning Center - $555/sq. ft.; Student Services Building - $555/sq. ft. Two primary reasons for higher construction costs to build a community college facility include stringent design requirements mandated by the Division of State Architect and the state mandate to pay prevailing wage for all labor. - What professional services are utilized?
Answer: Professional services utilized for planning, designing and constructing facilities include: Construction management services, architectural and engineering services, inspector of record services, testing services, facilities assessment and planning services and legal services. Selection of service providers are based on professional qualifications, experience and references. - How are facility alteration and improvement requests handled?
Answer: Facility Alteration and Improvement Requests (FAIR) are submitted through the Facilities Services Work Request System. Historically, funding is very limited for alterations and improvements. Requests are prioritized with consideration to the following factors: effect on campus health/safety; impact on instructional activity; cost; funding availability & alternatives; duration in queue; overall value to campus. - What facilities does the state not pay for?
Answer: The state does not fund purchase of property, off-site infrastructure, parking lots, bookstores, fitness centers and food services (revenue producers), most on-site infrastructure, athletic facilities, facilities with cap/load ratios less than 100, and support buildings.
Maintenance and Operations (M&O)
- What is M&O?
Answer: M&O is the acronym for Maintenance and Operations. The Education Code defines Maintenance as the entity that repairs and maintains facilities (Maintenance department) and defines Operations as the entities that support operation of the facilities (Custodial and Grounds departments). Campus Events and Transportation are not Maintenance and Operations entities, however, at AVC these functions are included in the responsibilities of the Maintenance and Operations Manager. - How do I request support from M&O?
Answer: All requests for M&O support are submitted through the Facilities Services Work Request System.
Facilities Services Work Request System
- What is the Facilities Services Work Request System?
Answer: The Facilities Services Work Request System is a computerized system that allows campus staff to submit request information for all facets of Facilities Services. The requests are then prioritized, assigned to a specific trade, and then a specific technician to complete the task. It is the primary organizational tool to manage Maintenance and Operation. All types of requests can be entered here and each request can serve as digital documentation. - How do I submit a Work Request?
Answer: Work Requests can be submitted through AVC's Facilities Services web page link for the Facilities Services Work Request System. - What is my password?
Answer: If this is your first time entering a request, please send an email to Yvonne Harvey to authorize your access. If the program indicates you are not authorized, you must use your avc.edu email address. - What if I do not know the room number?
Answer: A map is shown below the green submission button indicating the specific location once the building and floor have been selected. You can then either choose from the drop down menu, or click on the map itself to highlight the specific location. Once chosen, the specific location will be highlighted in red. You can also describe the location in the description if it is an outside location. - How do I choose an outside location?
Answer: When entering a request, choose CAMPUS – GROUNDS LOCATIONS as your building. This will include all Parking Lots, Fields, and Outdoor Areas regularly used for events. If the location desired is just outside a building it may be best to choose the building itself, but refrain from entering a room location on the request. When you submit the request, a new prompt will appear to list all the specific locations. - What if the request involves multiple areas?
Answer: There are three ways to choose multiple areas. 1. If you complete the request information but refrain from entering a specific room location, after submission a new prompt will appear to list all the specific locations with more detail. 2. You can list all locations in the description even though only one location is listed in the room location. 3. You can enter a single requests for each specific area. This may not be helpful if there are many. Either way will be sufficient. - What else am I able to view on the map?
Answer: Beyond the location of the map, additional details like the room number, general name of the space, and square footage can be toggled in the viewing option buttons. You may need to adjust the font size and zoom in to the specific location to clearly see the additional details. - I noticed an error on the map.
Answer: It’s possible the signage may have been altered over the years. Please enter a request so we can edit/adjust the information correctly. - What do the Request Type acronyms stand for? Do they require a form?
Answer: Even though they are not required in order to enter a request, being familiar with Request Type acronyms can expedite the assignment process for Facilities Services. All forms can be found on the web page just prior to submitting a Facilities Services Work Request. - Where can I find the required forms?
Answer: All forms can be found on the web page just prior to submitting a Facilities Services Work Request. - How do I attach a file?
Answer: When entering a request, the very far bottom of the entry form has a location to attach forms, document, and/or pictures. A maximum of three documents can be attached to one request. Upload Photo and Choose file both operate the same. - Can I enter a request from my cell phone / mobile device?
Answer: Yes, the interface is mobile friendly and can even attach photos or documents. Frequent requesters can save the URL to their home screen as well. It is helpful if are using pictures you may have taken from your cell phone / mobile device. - How do I know if a request has been received with Facilities Services?
Answer: A confirmation will indicate your request has been submitting. If you are attaching several files to one request, it may take slightly longer to submit. You will also receive an email receipt. This email is a very important record to you as a requester. At the bottom of the email is a link to view the request information and status. - Can I add additional information once a request has been submitted?
Answer: Yes, additional comments can be made by clicking the link in your email receipt and adding a comment. Also the location can be adjusted as well if needed. Once the edit is made, click save. This will generate a new email and send an email to the assigned technician. If you need to update a form on the request, please email to Yvonne Harvey and reference the work request number. - How can I see the status of submitted requests?
Answer: A confirmation email receipt will be sent once a request is submitted. This email is a very important record as it contains a link to view the request at the bottom of the email. The status will be near the bottom of the request - What does a specific request status mean?
Answer: New: Request has been received. No action has been taken yet.
On Hold: Additional information is needed before any action can be taken.
Cancelled: Request excessively incomplete, incorrect, or is a duplicate of another request.
Assigned: A technician has been assigned to the request.
Work in Progress: A technician has been assigned and partial action has been taken.
Completed: The request has been completed by a technician.
Completion Confirmed: The request has been completed by a technician with some review from a Supervisor.
Archived: Cancelled, Completed, or Completion Confirmed Requests shortly change to Archived as a long-term record. - I accidentally deleted my email receipt. Can you send me another one?
Answer: Yes. Please email to Yvonne Harvey and reference any information about the request that you can remember (location, description, request type, when submitted, etc.) so that the request can be found and another email receipt can be generated. - I received an email that my request was cancelled.
Answer: Requests that are excessively incomplete, incorrect, or are a duplicate of another request usually end up cancelled. You should be contacted in regard to the missing information prior to the cancellation. - Can I view a list of all the requests that I have entered?
Answer: All your requests can be viewed in a single list at once. Near the bottom of each request will be a link that says “My Work Order Requests.” This will display a list of previously entered work order requests. Columns include Building and Space Location Number, Request Number, Request Description, Status, and the Date. The Date refers to the date that it was submitted. All requests are arranged in reverse chronological order. Request numbers listed are hyperlinks to individual requests. - It says I am not permitted to view these work order requests?
Answer: If you try to go directly to the URL of your list of requests or save it as a favorite in your browser, you will be notified that you do not have privilege or are not permitted to see these work order requests. You must utilize a link in an email receipt first, and then click the link that says “My Work Order Requests” to access the work orders you submitted. - Any tips if I enter a lot of requests?
Answer: Even though they are not required in order to enter a request, being familiar with Request Type acronyms can expedite the assignment process for Facilities Services. A recommended convenient way to stay organized has been to setup an auto-filtering label within Gmail’s filters to keep a searchable record for all requests. Utilizing CTRL+F (or Command+F) in your browser can assist in locating a particular request in the list of requests. If you desire further filtering, we suggest selecting the entire list and paste in Excel, then filter as needed. - Can I offer a suggestion to improve the system?
Answer: Yes, click Bugs and Comments located at the top right of the screen. Enter as much information as you are able. This lets us and the system provider know how to serve you better.
Custodial (CUST)
- What are the department hours of operation?
Answer: We have three Custodial shifts Monday through Friday. Standard operating schedule is 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (Day), 2:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. (Swing), and 10:00 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. (Graveyard). Deep cleaning requirements outside of these schedules is coordinated between shift personnel during the summer and as necessary throughout the year. - How do I request custodial support?
Answer: If it is an emergency or urgent (health or safety) issue contact Campus Security at ext. 6399. Campus Security will contact available Facilities Services personnel. For all other custodial support requests, submit a request using the Facilities Services Work Request System. - How do I inform custodial personnel of an urgent body fluid spill and clean-up requirement?
Answer: Contact Campus Security at ext. 6399. Campus Security will contact available Facilities Services personnel. - What happens to personal items left in classrooms or other public areas?
Answer: All personal items found by custodial personnel in classrooms or other public areas are taken to the Campus Security office lost and found on a daily basis. Anyone looking for a missing personal item should be directed to the Campus Security office. - Why are some areas not cleaned on a daily basis?
Answer: Due to staffing limitations building areas are prioritized based on health and safety requirements. Highest priority areas include restrooms, locker rooms, Child Development Center, food service and dining areas, wet/dirty laboratory areas and high traffic public areas. Lower priority areas are cleaned in a less frequent and/or a less thorough manner. Presently, the department is short approximately five custodian positions for providing full service, or ‘Best Schools’, APPA level 2 services. - Who do I notify if I have a concern or complaint about custodial services?
Answer: Please email the Custodial department supervisor to address your issue and, if necessary, coordinate with custodial day personnel. If your inquiry is related to previously submitted work request, provide the work request number in your email. If a custodian is doing a great job for you, we like to hear about that too! - Is the college converting to hand dryers and getting rid of paper towels?
Answer: In some of the newer restroom facilities, such as the Marauder Stadium restrooms, we use hand dryers exclusively and no paper towels. In some areas, such as science laboratories, there will always be a need for paper towels. Hand dryers have several advantages including eliminating paper waste, reducing costs, more sanitary and more skin friendly. Paper towels are a major source of waste. In 2013/14 the campus used 2,880,000 linear feet of paper towels and 6,400,000 individual paper towels. - With a staffing shortage, what efforts are being made to clean in a more efficient manner?
Answer: A number of efficiency initiatives have been implemented and others are being evaluated. New equipment has increased efficiency. Custodians are encouraged to use back pack vacuums that not only clean three times faster than a traditional vacuum but are also much easier to use and cause less physical fatigue. Scrubbers, chemical mixing stations and other improvements have not only increased efficiency but also lowered costs per square foot cleaned. We have also identified the priority of which cleaning levels should be adhered to according to APPA cleaning level 2 industry standards, moved to utilizing 24 hour coverage with 3 shifts, and adding additional staff and supervision.
Grounds Maintenance (GRNDS)
- What is MAXICOM?
Answer: MAXICOM is an automated irrigation system that utilizes a weather station on campus to monitor weather conditions and adjust irrigation systems in real time. The system allows for remote scheduling, senses and adjusts to changes in water pressure and provides data to maximize water conservation. - Why isn’t there more xeriscaping on the campus?
Answer: There are numerous parts to this answer. The campus landscape was initially designed as a ‘green’ campus and has often been referred to as an oasis in the Antelope Valley due to the landscape design. Transitioning from the ‘green’ landscape design to a more practical ‘green/arid’ landscape design requires numerous steps and funding. Our first step has been to implement water management technology. Newly designed landscape areas are more durable, drought tolerant and cost effective. Lawn areas are being reduced or removed and irrigation systems are being replaced or updated as funding allows. Our biggest challenges towards making more progress are staffing and funding for improvements. - Why are broken sprinklers not fixed?
Answer: Broken sprinklers are repaired soon after the repair is identified. Due to limited staffing, sprinklers are tested on a limited basis for repairs. Since many sprinklers only operate at night, or when Grounds personnel are not in the area, repairs can sometimes go unnoticed for days or weeks. If you see a broken sprinkler or other irrigation problem, help us save water by placing a repair and service request in the Facilities Services Work Request System. - Why are outside waste receptacles not emptied?
Answer: Outside waste receptacles are the responsibility of the Grounds department and are emptied as often as possible while also completing other numerous grounds maintenance tasks. There has been much discussion about having student workers assist in this area. - Why do large trees have to be removed?
Answer: Large trees may have to be removed if they are diseased or damaged, damage underground utilities, damage hardscape and create safety hazards or if they interfere with new campus improvements. Large trees are a great asset to the campus and we do our best to protect and keep healthy all trees. While some trees are being removed new trees are being planted. - Why are landscaped areas over watered?
Answer: Water management of campus landscaping has improved significantly in recent years and more improvements are planned. Due to windy conditions in the Antelope Valley, and the watering requirements for certain types of landscapes, there will often be some water run-off. Occasionally there is a malfunction with the irrigation system that creates excess watering. These issues are being reduced as obsolete timers and valves are replaced. - What does the Grounds department do during the winter months?
Answer: For Grounds personnel every season of the year is unique and brings a different list of tasks. During the winter months the Grounds department provides de-icing and clearing of walkways, clean-up of leaves and debris from autumn, major tree trimming, freeze protection of irrigation systems, preparation of spring athletic venues, irrigation system upgrade projects, equipment repairs, landscape renewal projects and other grounds maintenance projects. - Who cleans the parking lots?
Answer: Grounds department personnel are responsible for cleaning and maintaining the campus parking lots. Grounds personnel operate a street sweeper in the early morning each day, hand clean curbs and gutters, empty waste receptacles and cigarette butt collectors, maintain all perimeter and driveway landscaping and complete landscape renewal projects. - Grounds equipment is loud and disruptive to classes and office workers. Can work schedules be changed?
Answer: Grounds department personnel are very aware of noise issues and have taken several steps to mitigate disruptions from equipment noise. The department starts work before sunrise and uses leaf blowers to clean off walkways before classes commence. Areas adjacent to buildings with exterior room entrances are also scheduled early in the morning for mowing and trimming. It is important to always keep exterior entrance doors closed. This not only helps for reducing outside noise, it is also required for safety, fire code and energy conservation reasons. If you still have concerns about noise from Grounds maintenance activities, contact the Grounds Supervisor. - Are the artificial turf athletic fields a good investment?
Answer: If maintained properly over the next twenty to thirty years, the college will realize a significant net savings and utilize professional grade playing surfaces at the same time. Long term savings are obtained from significant water savings, no use of fertilizers, herbacides or pesticides, no sprinkler repairs, significant labor savings due to no mowing, trimming, aerating or thatching, no sod repairs, no fertilizing etc. Properly maintained artificial turf fields are proven to be safer due to the high quality of the surface and having an optimal impact cushion. Unlike grass fields that require annual renovation, artificial turf fields have virtually no down time. Even after a hard rain the artificial turf fields drain and are playable within fifteen minutes.
Maintenance (MAINT)
- How do I control the temperature in my classroom?
Answer: Some areas allow the occupant to change the room temperature by making an adjustment to the wall mounted thermostat while other areas are controlled by the campus Energy Management System (EMS). The college is under contract to maintain minimum and maximum set-point temperatures for energy conservation. Any special requests for a temperature change should be submitted via the Facilities Services Work Request System. - How often are the air filters changed in the air conditioning units?
Answer: Because there are several different types of units on campus, we change filters on different schedules. Some filters are changed annually, bi-annually, and others are quarterly. - Why is the air always blowing in the buildings?
Answer: All commercial buildings must have constant ventilation provided during hours of occupancy. A percentage of filtered outside air is being mixed with the conditioned air for proper temperature and air quality. - How do you decide which order to do trouble calls?
Answer: All things being equal, work orders are completed in the order received. Unfortunately, requests are rarely equal. A system of prioritization is in place to meet the most critical needs first. As an example, we focus on the calls that affect the largest area first. If a building circulating fan breaks which impacts 15 classrooms, we would put our efforts into making repairs on this request over a request that came in earlier that impacts a single office or classroom. - The HVAC tech came out yesterday and told me a part broke and needed to be ordered. How long is that going to take?
Answer: Most repair parts are available within a day or two from local area vendors that we have accounts with. Sometimes however, due to the age or complexity of the equipment, parts are not easily available requiring accounts to be established, funding obtained, requisitions completed and parts shipped from out of state. Unfortunately this may take longer. - The cover has been missing from the thermostat in my classroom since last semester, why hasn’t it been replaced?
Answer: Great question. Most questions like this can be answered by asking when you notified us about it. We lack the staffing to inspect classrooms during non-occupied times (of which there are very few) and currently depend on staff and faculty to act as our eyes and ears for us. We appreciate being notified of any problems you are aware of to help us maintain the campus. - The room I’m in has a ‘musty’ smell. Can I use a scented candle or a plugin type of air freshener like I have at home?
Answer: Most fragrances are made from chemicals that others may have sensitivities to. With respect to others, it is best to not use air freshener products. If a room continues to have a ‘musty’ smell, please submit a Facilities Service Work Request. - I prop my classroom doors open when it’s a nice day outside. Why is this discouraged?
Answer: Our classrooms have automatic closures which help contain a fire in a room should one break out. During a fire the last person out of a room usually has other things on their mind than closing the door. Next, outside air comes into our HVAC system and is then filtered before being circulated into our buildings. By leaving your door open, unfiltered air enters the classroom along with insects and debris causing dirty ceiling registers and other issues. It can also prevent the Grounds Maintenance staff from completing their duties. - I have a swamp cooler at my house and it keeps everyone pretty comfortable during the summer months. Why can’t we use those on campus and save on utilities costs?
Answer: Great question. First, everything would have to be re-engineered ductwork wise to the point that it wouldn’t even fit in the building structurally. Next, the added humidity at the volumes required throughout a range of daily temperatures could cause the growth and spread of various spores and bacteria that we generally avoid due to our relatively dry climate. The added humidity has also shown signs of corrosion in metal or electronic parts that we avoid by using our current HVAC system. - How many people work in the HVAC trade at AVC?
Answer: At the present time we have 1 HVAC Lead and 2 HVAC Technicians.
- How often is routine maintenance performed on water heaters?
Answer: Typically a visual inspection is done annually but could be longer depending on workload. - What are the advantages of on-demand hot water systems?
Answer: On-demand hot water systems work well for low use areas where traditional hot water tanks are not as cost effective. For higher use areas it is more cost effective and energy efficient to use a traditional hot water tank system with properly insulated piping. We utilize both in different areas on campus. - How often are building drain gutters, building drains and storm drains checked?
Answer: Drains should be inspected at least twice a year, however, due to workload restrictions most drains are inspected once a year. - The sink faucet in my area keeps dripping. How do I get it repaired?
Answer: Submit a repair request in the Facilities Services Work Request System. Contact your department/division office if you need help submitting a request. - Do unused drains dry up and smell?
Answer: Yes, drain pipes do dry out which may allow sewer gases to come up into the building area causing a foul smell. If this does occur submit a repair request in the Facilities Services Work Request System. - What is ‘Gray’ water?
Answer: ‘Gray’ water is a term for any water that is used in a lavatory basin, kitchen sink, tub or shower or laundry tray and then captured for reuse as ‘gray’ water. ‘Gray’ water can be recycled and used for irrigation if the facility has infrastructure, a purple pipe system, and allowed by local code. The City of Lancaster has implemented a ‘gray’ water system for the city which presently supplies irrigation water east of 10th Street West. - Why is water from the faucet sometimes a ‘milky’ color?
Answer: The ‘milky’ color of water is caused by micro air bubbles and does not change the quality of the water. Typically, work has been performed upstream on the water supply system allowing air to enter the water. The air is absorbed into the water under pressure creating the milky effect. After a few minutes the air will dissipate and the water should become clear. - What different types of systems does the plumber have to be familiar with?
Answer: Systems include domestic water distribution system, fire water distribution system, de-ionized water system, storm drain system, building drain systems, grease traps and clarifiers, sewer system including pumping stations, restroom and kitchen plumbing systems, plumbing systems to support HVAC and other building equipment. - Why are drinking fountains often out of order?
Answer: Much of the delay in getting drinking fountains repaired is due to workload issues. Assessing the repair, identifying and ordering parts and making the repair takes significant time. Since the campus has only one plumber, other plumbing emergencies and repairs for higher priority issues often delay the repairs for drinking fountains. Many times, Maintenance personnel are not immediately aware that a drinking fountain is broken. If you encounter a broken drinking fountain please submit a repair request in the Facilities Services Work Request System. - How long does it take for a repair to be made?
Answer: Completion of plumbing repairs depends on a variety of factors. Priorities for work tasks are set daily with emergency, health, safety and code compliance issues addressed first. Remaining work requests are typically completed on a first in, first out basis. Identifying, funding and ordering parts for needed repairs can also take days to weeks depending on the age, cost, mfg. and other factors. Currently workload is an issue as we only have one full time plumber on staff. All requesters of a work request can check the status of any work request at any time by viewing it in the Facilities Services Work Request System.
Lock and Key
- What is the process for requesting keys and/or proximity card credentials to access college facilities?
Answer: Complete a Facility Access Request Form (FAR) and submit via the Facilities Services Work Request System. For electronic door lock access you will need a current employee ID/Proximity card. If you are an AVC employee you should already have an employee ID card that is also a proximity card which can be utilized for access to college facilities. If you have an older employee ID card you may need to replace it for the newer employee ID/Proximity card. These ID/Proximity cards can be obtained in the Student Development office in the Student Services Building. For the FAR form, desk instructions and additional information go to Keys and Access Control Services. - What do I do if I lose my ID/Proximity card or keys?
Answer: Immediately contact your supervisor, Campus Security (Ext. 6399) and Facilities Services. Notify Facilities Services by emailing the Maintenance Supervisor. - Can I punch holes in my ID/Proximity card so that I can put it on my key chain or lanyard?
Answer: No. This will likely ruin the $10 card by damaging the proximity strip of the card. - Will I get charged for lost keys or ID/Proximity card?
Answer: You will not be charged for a lost ID/Proximity card, however, it is critical that it be reported immediately to prevent an unauthorized person from using your ID/Proximity card. For lost keys you may be charged as well as your department/division per AP3501. Determination of charges is based on an assessment of the risk to facilities and if rekeying of facility locks is required. - How do I gain access to the faculty work room and campus mail room in the BE Building?
Answer: Submit a Facilities Access Request (FAR) to access by proximity card and enter in the Facilities Services Work Request System. - How are Facility Access Requests prioritized?
Answer: Safety and security requests are the highest priority. This is followed by instructional related requests, non-instructional related requests, repair/maintenance requests and special requests. - How can I get the current status of a Facility Access Request?
Answer: The requester and initiator of a request can view the request status in the FS Work Request System on a 24/7 basis. If you have any questions after viewing the request status you may contact the Maintenance supervisor. - What do the numbers and/or letters on my keys mean?
Answer: On one side you will see the key designation that always starts with a letter. On the other side of the key you will see a 3 to 4 digit number that is assigned to you, the key holder. This unique number is used to track all keys assigned to the key holder. - How are electronic locks programmed?
Answer: The campus class schedule is reviewed on a weekly basis and division offices also submit requests for exceptions to the schedule. This information is used to program locks for buildings and classrooms. The current general parameters are:
Buildings – Unlock 30 minutes before the first scheduled class; lock 30 minutes before the end of the last scheduled class. Schedules are modified as necessary to allow for required work activities such as access to the Business Education Building and the campus mailroom.
Classrooms – Unlock 5 minutes before scheduled start of class; lock 15 minutes prior to scheduled end of class. A division office can request a change to these parameters. A task group is reviewing these parameters to determine best practice with respect to safety of students and staff. - Why doesn’t my card work on some of the card readers?
Answer: Your access is limited to the buildings and rooms approved by your department/division as well as 24/7 access to the Business Education Building for the mailroom and faculty work room. You will not be able to access any other areas. Also, a few of the older card readers are battery operated and may not respond if the battery is low. If this occurs, submit a Facilities Services Work Request as soon as possible so Maintenance can address it in a timely manner.
- Why does the circuit breaker trip in my office area?
Answer: This is usually caused by overloading an electrical circuit supporting your office area with too many devices such as microwaves and electric heaters. The circuit trips to prevent an electrical overload and possible fire. - Why are some of the outside lights on during daylight hours?
Answer: Most likely there is an error in the digital programming system. Occasional maintenance on exterior lighting requires that all exterior lights in an area be turned on to assess what repairs need to be made. If you see that the same exterior lights are consistently on over a period of time please submit a work request so we can assess the lighting controls for that area. - Why don’t we use LED lights on campus?
Answer: We are continually converting to LED around our campus. Our parking lots are lit by 100% LED lighting fixtures. Part of this project was funded by the state with energy conservation funds from state Proposition 39. LED lighting is a relatively new technology that has a high upfront cost which presently makes payback periods relatively high. As the technology matures and costs come down, LED lighting will become the standard due to the significant energy savings. - What are GFCI electrical outlets?
Answer: GFCI stands for ground fault circuit interrupter. This type of electrical outlet is required for safety wherever there is a chance of moisture affecting an electrical outlet. GFCI’s are commonly found in restrooms, locker rooms, pool areas, kitchens and exterior areas. - How are the campus exterior lights controlled?
Answer: Several automated energy management systems control campus exterior lighting. Some systems utilize photo cells that activate lights when it gets dark while other systems use a clock system. Systems are becoming more sophisticated allowing for individual fixtures to be programmed. - Why do I need to get an electrical assessment when I purchase equipment that requires electricity?
Answer: Whether you are plugging in an electric heater or an industrial piece of shop equipment the building electrical system may not be able to support it. Older buildings (built before 1990’s) have very limited electrical capacity that can be overloaded easily. Larger pieces of equipment may require special circuits to handle the required electrical load. If the electrical capacity has to be increased the work could far exceed the cost of the equipment. Costs could include a new transformer, circuit panel, wiring and design costs that could be several thousand dollars. - Why do the lights suddenly go off in my classroom?
Answer: Newer lighting systems utilize occupancy motion sensors which are required by Title 24 to conserve energy. Lighting is activated when it senses motion in the room. If there is little or no movement in the room the sensor assumes no one is in the room and the lights go off. If this happens on a regular basis please submit a Facilities Services Work Request so the sensor can be adjusted. - What is the response time for getting a repair made?
Answer: Response depends on the priority of the request and the workload. First priority is for all health and safety related tasks. Next priority is for any work request related to instructional and student service areas. Factors, such as number of people affected, cost, complexity, parts availability and other issues determine how quickly repairs can be made. - How many electricians does the campus have?
Answer: The Maintenance department has two electricians. For larger and more complex repairs and projects the department may utilize an electrical contractor.
General Maintenance
- When do cracks in the sidewalks get repaired?
Answer: Due to ground settling, tree roots, water erosion and other causes sidewalk cracks are an on-going maintenance issue. A sidewalk crack that creates a tripping hazard of a quarter inch or more becomes a safety repair. Repair of the sidewalk includes removing the cause, if possible, and then repairing the crack by grinding or replacing the concrete. - Who repairs parking lot potholes?
Answer: Maintenance will assess the pothole and apply a ‘cold patch’ for repairing a small area. Larger asphalt area repairs require a contractor with the proper equipment to make proper repairs. - What should I do if I spot a water leak?
Answer: If the water leak is disrupting normal work activities or is causing damage, or potential damage, contact Campus Security at ext. 6399 so that immediate action can be taken by the Maintenance department. For water leaks that are not urgent, submit a repair request in the Facilities Services Work Request System. The leak will be assessed to determine the cause and repairs will be made as necessary. - Who maintains the swimming pool?
Answer: The swimming pool is maintained by the Maintenance department. The county health department requires that the primary maintenance worker be certified for pool maintenance. Pool maintenance includes daily pool chemical monitoring and equipment maintenance and repair for pool filtering, pumping and heating. - How do I get a room painted?
Answer: Submit a repair request via the Facilities Services Work Request System. Requests for painting are prioritized on a number of factors including workload, need, visibility and funding. The need to paint an area is partially determined by a scheduled maintenance cycle for painting campus buildings. When an area is approved to be painted the occupant(s) is responsible for removing all personal items and to pack items as required for moving furniture. Furniture will be moved by Facilities Services staff. The time to prep, paint, clean and return area to normal varies from one day to one week. This work requires advanced scheduling with the area manager(s) to minimize work disruption. Workload is an issue as we currently only have one full time painter on staff. - How do I get a bookcase secured to the wall?
Answer: Submit a repair request via the Facilities Services Work Request System. Typically a bookcase is secured to the wall with mounting brackets on the top of the bookcase and anchored into the wall studs. - What should be done if floor tiles come loose?
Answer: Submit a repair request via the Facilities Services Work Request System. Typically, the old floor tiles are removed and replaced with new floor tiles. If a large area of flooring is deteriorating it will be placed on a schedule for replacement, pending approval of funding. - The clock in my area stopped or has the wrong time. Who do I call?
Answer: Submit a repair request via the Facilities Services Work Request System. If the clock is battery operated the battery will be checked and replaced if necessary. The time will be adjusted by Maintenance staff. Since clocks are in high places do not attempt to reach them and risk injury. - I would like an additional whiteboard or have one relocated. How do I request this?
Answer: This would be an alteration or improvement to the room. Contact your division/department office on how to submit a Facilities Alteration Improvement Request (FAIR). - Can Maintenance repair my furniture?
Answer: For furniture repairs submit a repair request via the Facilities Services Work Request System. The required repair will be assessed to determine if it is a warranty item, if vendor support is required or if Maintenance staff can make the repair. All instructional furniture requires vendor support and is the responsibility of Academic Affairs to fund repairs and replacement. Facilities Services provides support to coordinate with vendors and develop instructional furniture specifications.