Admissions & Records: Eligibility, Special Admit, Residency, & International Students
- Eligibility for Admission, Regular Status
- Special Admittance Students
- Residence Eligibility
- Eligibility for International Students
Eligibility for Admission, Regular Status
Academic Eligibility: All high school graduates are eligible for admission to Antelope Valley College.
All 16 and 17 year old students who have not graduated from high school may apply to take the examination for a "Certificate of Proficiency." If the student successfully passes the exam, the State Board of Education will award a certificate of proficiency, which authorizes the holder to enroll at Antelope Valley College on the same basis as high school graduates. For more information, please visit the California High School Proficiency Examination site.
A non-high school graduate 18 years of age or older, who is capable of profiting from the instruction offered, is eligible for admission to Antelope Valley College (State Education Code, Division 7, Part 47, Chapter 1, Article 1, Section 76000, amended, effective 1/1/91). State Education Code is available at http://ccr.oal.ca.gov and in the Antelope Valley College library.
Special Admittance Students
Students, presently in middle / high school, that have not yet received a high school diploma, California proficiency or GED and are under the age of 18 may, with college approval, enroll at Antelope Valley College. Students must obtain permission from their school principal and parents. For more information consult their school guidance office or AVC Admissions and Records office for further criteria and proper procedures and forms. State and Federal law states that parents of community college students do not have a right of access to their children's students' records, regardless of age. Board of Governors Fee Waivers (BOGFW) are available to students, but no other form of financial aid is available for students who are specially enrolled.
Residence Eligibility
A Student whose legal residence is within the State of California will be required to pay a per-unit enrollment fee.
You are considered a California resident for tuition purposes if:
- You have lived in California for at least one year and one day prior to the residency determination date (the first day of the semester you plan to attend);
- You can prove you intend to stay in California.
Students who do not meet these requirements will be classified as non residents and will be required to pay nonresident fees. Non resident tuition and refund policies are found on the Student Expenses and fees page.
Military members will be classified as residents of California for tuition purposes while on active duty. Military members who are not California residents at the time of discharge from the service but have been stationed in California for more than one year will also be classified as California residents for a one-year period from the date they were released from the service. After the one-year period, residency classification for such individuals will be evaluated based on California residency requirements for tuition purposes.
Family members of active duty military personnel who are not California residents but who are being sponsored by an active duty military member stationed in California will be classified as California residents for a one-year period from the date of entry into California. After the one-year period, residency classification for family members will be evaluated based on California residency requirements for tuition purposes. Family members will be reclassified as nonresidents if they do not meet the California residency requirements.
Eligibility for International Students
See International Student Progam page.