The University of California System is composed of
9 UC campuses with various undergraduate and graduate programs students can choose from.
UC San Francisco is a graduate/professional campus.
For all upcoming UC Application Deadlines and Information Click Here

Transfer to a UC
Take English and Math. Many UC’s are looking for English and Math to be completed early.
Complete your major preparation coursework. Look at www.assist.org for specific requirements for your target university and major.
Complete your general education requirements. For the UC, this can be completed using the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC).
Complete 60 UC transferable semester units with a minimum 2.4 GPA (2.8 for non-residents) for minimum eligibility. Please note that the GPA can be significantly higher due to the applicant pool and a 2.4 GPA may not necessarily be competitive.
Transfer GPA
Your grade point average is only one factor UC campuses use to evaluate you. Other factors, such as course patterns and major preparation, also are considered.
The grade point average of admitted transfer students varies widely by campus and major. The transfer profiles can give you an idea of the level of selectivity at each campus.
Start utilizing this planner to track your eligibility and GPA. UCs use this to reach out to you, so the sooner you fill this out, the better. You will be able to upload this to your application when it comes time to apply.
Transfer Application Tips and Tools:
Tips and tools for UC application
Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG MATRIX) (TBD):
Guarantee to Davis, Irvine, Merced, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Riverside
Transfer Pathways: Your roadmap to UC's most sought-after majors
If you’ve decided on a major but want to keep your UC campus options open, consider completing a UC Transfer Pathway – a single set of courses you can take to prepare for your major on any of our nine undergraduate campuses. Not only will you have clear guidance on what courses you need to take, but you’ll have a competitive edge to get into any UC campus and be well-positioned to succeed once you get here.
Fall quarter/semester: November 1–30
Winter quarter/spring semester: July 1–31
UC Berkeley and UC Merced are on the semester system calendar while all other campuses are on the quarter system calendar. All campuses are open for the fall term.