Welcome to Chrome River
All approved travel, including virtual travel, must be submitted through Chrome River.
*Please note that we are in the process of updating our Guides. Effective immediately, the Executive Council Checklist document that is referenced is not required and the AB1887 travel ban has been lifted.
Training |
Access |
Policy & Procedure |
Guides |
Forms |
Board Deadlines |
FAQ | Help |
First things first! If you haven't done so already, you will need Chrome River training before you can submit requests to travel. Chrome River training is provided through a training video located in myAVC. This training video walks you through the Chrome River System and collects the information ITS needs to provide you with access to the system. You MUST watch the video in it's entirety in order to be given access. Please reach out to travel@avc.edu with any questions.
To access the Chrome River Site, a minimum of 48 hours after Training, log into my.avc.edu à Tools à Employee à Chrome River
Policy & Procedures
The Antelope Valley College District Policies and Procedures have been updated to include Chrome River.
*Please note that we are in the process of updating our Guides. Effective immediately, the Executive Council Checklist document that is referenced is not required and the AB1887 travel ban has been lifted.
Student Travel Policy and Procedure - updated 2-9-2022 (Updated Policy Coming Soon)
Employee Travel Policy and Procedure - updated 8-30-2022 (Updated Policy Coming Soon)
Here are some guides to help you through the Process.
Chrome River Travel Flowchart - updated 10-25-2023
Emburse Virtual Card:
Emburse Virtual Card Guidelines
Pre Approval:
Pre Approval Quick Reference Guide - updated 8-30-2022
Training Booklet Expense.pdf - updated 1-2020
Approving in Chrome River - updated 1-25-2023
These are the forms you'll need for travel - Forms must be typed and sent through Adobe Sign for Signature!
Expense Documentation Checklist - updated 8-30-2022
Facilities Gas & Vehicle Request
Occupancy Tax Waiver Form - updated 7-8-2021
Procurement & Virtual Card/Standing Purchase Order Agreement
Pre Approval Documentation Checklist - updated 10-25-2023
Student Field Trip Waiver - updated 12-12-2024
Student Roster - updated 1-9-2024
Board Deadlines
Travel Authorization Report
Pre Approvals must be received by the deadline dates listed within the Board Deadlines to ensure processing on the Travel Authorization Report. Pre Approvals that miss the deadline will be processed for the next scheduled Regular Board of Trustees meeting.
Click here for a list of Board Deadline dates.
Student Roster 3-2-2022 (REV).pdf
Chrome River Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Pre-Approval and General Travel Questions
Email: travel@avc.edu
Phone: 661-722-6310
Expense Reports and Reimbursements
Email: accounts_payable@avc.edu
Phone: 661-722-6309