Student Learning, Program Learning, Institutional Learning, and Operational Outcomes are specific observable characteristics developed by faculty and staff that allow them to determine or demonstrate evidence that learning or operational progress has occurred as a result of a specific course, program, activity, or process. The Outcomes Committee will determine a campus-wide process for the uniform implementation and assessment of Outcomes at the course, program, and department level. A Faculty Chair is responsible for chairing the committee and overseeing that the functions of the Outcomes Committee are met.
The Outcomes Committee will determine a campus-wide process for the uniform implementation and assessment of Student Learning Outcomes at the course, program, and department level. A faculty chair is responsible for chairing the committee and overseeing that the functions of the Outcomes Committee are met.
- Provide support and training
- Recommend and provide samples of effective assessment tools
- Provide connections to current campus practices
- Provide support and data in program review
- Provide support and data to the accreditation reports
- Ensure that Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are connected to Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
- Act as resource group and maintain liaisons to AP&P
2024-2025 Goals
- Maintain updated training materials and create training/assistance programs to assist faculty and staff.
- Relaunch QFE #1 (Outcomes Project) through the implementation of an ILO-centric, campus-wide assessment system that better represents faculty input.
- Create an Operational Outcomes repository system.
- Define and articulate Outcomes-related processes on campus and provide support as needed.