Aerospace Valley Regional Science Olympiad
The 2024 Science Olympiad took place at Antelope Valley College February 17, 2024.
Please use the links below for competition results:
2023 Science Olympiad took place at AVC
February 18, 2023
Quartz Hill HS Science Olympiad team advances to the 2023 state tournament
- Watch the 2022 joint regional awards ceremony here
Science Olympiad was founded in 1984 and is one of the premier science competitions in the nation, providing rigorous, standards-based challenges to elementary, middle, and high school students.
Here in the Aerospace Valley the Los Angeles Regional Science Olympiad competition took place virtually February 26, 2022.
Science Olympiad Origins at AVC
During the 2012 Bohn-Meyer Science Olympiad Showcase at Antelope Valley College, Over 250 students from twelve elementary and middle school comprising 16 teams participated in eight events designed to test and encourage STEM skills. Medals were awarded to the top three scoring teams in each event.
Students also had the opportunity to speak with numerous STEM professionals throughout the event. A Special tribute was given to Marta Bohn-Meyer and the legacy she has left for the advancement of aviation, aeronautics, and space exploration.
The Olympiad was sponsored by Antelope Valley College, NASA/Aero Institute, Lockheed-Martin Corporation, and the Los Angeles Department of Education. The Science Olympiad featured eight competitions designed to give the students practical application of the science and math lessons learned in the classroom. The eight activities included Bridge Building, Anatomy, Crime Busters, Egg-O-Naut, Mystery Architecture, Trajectory, Reach for the Stars and Write It, Do It.
The first AV Regional Science Olympiad at Antelope Valley College took place March 16, 2013. This event hosted 20 middle school teams competing in the areas of science concepts and knowledge, science process and inquiry skills, and science application and technology.