AVC Accreditation: Accreditation Committee 2016
The Accreditation Steering Committee reviews, gathers and describes the college's efforts in meeting or exceeding the accreditation standards set by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACCJC/WASC), an institutional accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
Agenda & Minutes
- May, 20, 2014
- November 26, 2013
- October 10, 2013
- September 19, 2013
- May, 9, 2013
- April 9, 2013
- March 7, 2013
- November 5, 2012
- October 8, 2012
- August 29, 2012
Member | Discipline/Title |
Dr. Bonnie Suderman | Exec. VP Academic Affair, Accreditation Liaison Officer |
Tina McDermott | Faculty Accreditation Coordinator |
Deborah Morgan | Senior Admin. Assistant |
STANDARD I. Mission, Quality, Effectiveness, and Integrity | |
Dr. Meeta Goel | Standard I Team Leader Institutional Research, Dean |
Dr. Glenn Haller | Kinesiology, Athletics, and Dance, Faculty |
Carol Eastin | Counseling & Matriculation, Counselor |
Dr. Bonnie Suderman | Exec. VP Academic Affair |
Kim Fite | Student Life, Administrative Assistant |
Dr. Irit Gat | Psychology, Faculty |
Dr. Jessica Harper | Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Adjunct Faculty |
Norman Hines | Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Adjunct Faculty |
Maria Kelly | Health Sciences, Faculty |
Dr. Tom O’Neil | Social and Behavioral Sciences, Dean |
Svetlana Deplazes | Institutional Research, Research Analyst |
Patricia Palavecino | Biology, Adjunct Faculty |
STANDARD II. Student Learning and Support Services | |
Carolyn Burrell | Standard II Team Leader Library, Faculty |
Dr. Darcy Wiewall | Anthropology, Faculty |
Diane Flores-Kagan | Learning Center, Faculty |
Dr. Magdalena Caproiu | Learning Center, Faculty |
Dr. Scott Lee | Library, Faculty |
Dr. Erin Vines | Exec. VP Student Services |
Dr. Charlotte Forte-Parnell | Language Arts and Academic Development, Dean |
Michelle Lathrop | Learning Center, Tutorial Specialist |
Karla Reynolds | Office for Students with Disabilities, Clerical Assistant |
Ken Sawicki | Office for Students with Disabilities, Alternative Media Specialist |
Cyndi Wishka | Counseling & Matriculation, Counselor |
Dr. Jill Zimmerman | Student Life, Dean |
Melanie Parker | Social and Behavioral Sciences, Faculty |
STANDARD III. Resources | |
Mark Bryant | Standard III. Team Leader Exec. VP Human Resources |
Maxine Griffin | Director, Human Resources |
Doug Jensen | Exec. Director Facilities |
Rick Shaw | Exec. Director Information Technology Services |
Diana Keelen | Exec. Director Information Business Services |
Dr. Joseph Esdin | Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Faculty |
Deb Feickert | Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Faculty |
Erin Tague | Facilities, Administrative Assistant |
Katherine Mergliano | Computer Systems, Manager |
Gwenette Preston | Enrollment Services, Clerical Assistant |
Dr. Bassam Salameh | Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Faculty |
Ann Steinberg | Job Placement Center, Director |
Jeff Stephens | Career Technical Education/Health Sciences, Faculty |
Scott Tuss | Information Technology Services, Programmer |
STANDARD IV. Leadership and Governance | |
Van Rider | Standard IV Team Leader Library, Faculty |
Dr. Ed Beyer | Computer Applications, Faculty |
Michael Adams | Board Member |
Dr. Susan Lowry | English, Faculty |
Stephen Burns | Information Technology Services, Web Developer |
Pamela Ford | CalWORKs, Program Coordinator |
Barbara Gaines | Board Member |
Maria Clinton | Technical Education, Faculty |
Mike Pesses | Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Faculty |
Dr. Les Uhazy | Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Dean |
Brian Palagallo | Language Arts, Faculty |
Jason Bowen | Faculty |