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Antelope Valley College CCSSE & SENSE

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CCSSE 2008-2024 Results

The results from the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) administered during spring 2008 to 2024 provide information regarding student engagement at the college across all five CCSSE benchmarks:

Over the coming months, IERP will analyze in depth and present the data from the 2024 CCSSE administration and AVC's progress on the benchmarks to date. Faculty and staff will be provided the opportunity to examine and discuss the CCSSE data, the highest and lowest aspects of student engagement, and identify specific actions to take in an effort to further improve student engagement at the college. In addition, as a stretch goal, for the 2026 CCSSE administration, AVC will aspire to match or exceed top-performing colleges (those that scored in the top 10% of the cohort by benchmark) on one or more of the CCSSE benchmarks (to be identified at college-wide meetings).

CCSSE Executive Summary 2024 | AVC Benchmark Comparison | Culture of Caring by Race/Ethnicity Comparison

CCSSE Executive Summary 2022

CCSSE Executive Summary 2019 | AVC Benchmark Comparison | Student Services Comparison

CCSSE Key Findings Report 2016

CCSSE Key Findings Report 2014

CCSSE 2016 ILO Assessment Results 

CCSSE and Pathways


SENSE Results