Antelope Valley College will complete an initial pilot test of EduNav for Fall 2021 registration. A select of incoming students will be part of the soft launch group. For this test launch only students declared to local AVC degrees will be allowed to use the system. Students will be able to opt out and use the current registration system should the need arise.
Upon successful completion of the soft launch, AVC hopes to expand Edunav use and registration to all majors and being able to use reporting features to better determine course offerings necessary to maximize student time to degree.
Advising Features
- EduNav allows students to visualize their path to graduation.
- This gives advisors greater opportunity to discuss life goals, career goals, and student engagement opportunities.
- Advisors can give a student the system as advising homework and allow them to explore their degree in more depth than an appointment might allow.
- Students' SmartPlans are optimized for the quickest route to completing their goal (major, minor, certificate).
- The system will optimize the quickest route, which may not be the most balanced approach. Advisors will need to work with students to help them balance workload and set expectations for their plans.
- Students can share their plans with Academic Advisors or anyone else.
- Sharing enables quick sharing and reviews after an advising appointment. Students can share their revised plans via email and get quick feedback without the need for an additional appointment.
- Students can see a weekly schedule for the current term.
- The ability to test out options and see if those changes will take a student longer to reach their goal.
- This is a great tool for learning about their degree requirements and course sequences.
Campus Objectives
- Help a greater number of students finish a degree
- Reduce time, and ultimately cost, through informed planning toward degree completion
- Better identify course demand so we can offer the right course options each term to optimize student degree completion
User Roles and Access
EduNav has three roles for access: Student, Advisor, and Admin.
- Student Roles: Any student with a declared major that is supported can access the system and create different plans.
- Advisor Roles: Any person with Banner Academic Advisor access is authorized to view students by major, view plans, save plans to student profiles, and see student views of plans.
- Admin Roles: These roles are limited to only a couple people in the Admissions & Records and Counseling offices. These allow for full Advisor access plus the ability to create SmartPlan rules for majors.
SmartPlan Rule Changes: During development and testing phase, Advisors working with the Admissions & Records and Counseling offices may develop initial SmartPlan rule suggestions for their majors. Advisors are expected to keep their Advising Managers apprised of all changes and rule requests. Once a major is launched to students into the live environment, any editing or creation of new SmartPlan rules are limited to those with Admin roles only. All requests for edits in the live environment must be sent by Advising Managers to AVC's EduNav editor.
System Logon
The Advisor Dashboard is available at https://avc.edunav.com or click the EduNav link on the AVC Counseling page. EduNav is accessible using your AVC username and password. Students can access EduNav directly from their myAVC account and will use their AVC username and password to access the system.
Development of New Majors
Development of new majors is an ongoing project coordinated in partnership with the Admissions & Records and Counseling offices, Information Technology Solutions, and the academic divisions. The campus goal is to develop SmartPlans for all majors. Please refer to this page for the most current list of active majors.