Campus walkway with banners


Women with laptops


The Second Year Experience (SYE) program is designed to support the successful academic and social advancement of continuing students through to completion of their educational pathway. In collaboration with system and college initiatives such as Guided Pathways and Financial Literacy & Wellness the mission is to solidify educational pathways to careers.

The program provides registration assistance, educational advising, high engagement strategies, peer mentoring; on-going events and workshops, all aimed at giving second-year students the tools they need to successfully advance to transfer to a four year institution and/or their career of choice.

All second year students at AVC are members of the SYE program.



FYE/SYE Sign-Up Form


Thank you for your interest in FYE-SYE. The sign-up form for Spring 2025 is now closed. Please check your email for updates regarding your submission status.



Standard Student Expectations:

  • Enroll as a full-time student, >12 (No withdrawals or repeats) This is required to receive Promise Tuition Assistance
  • Completed a minimum of 24 units in the first year (30 to Finish in 2 years)
  • Actively participate in the Peer Mentoring program (Minimum of 8 peer mentor meetings per  semester)
  • Visit the Learning Center to participate in Tutoring and other Academic Success Workshops & Activities (Minimum of 4 per semester)
  • Meet with Transfer Center Counselor for and updated Comprehensive Education Plan
  • Actively participate in transfer specific workshops (Minimum of 4 per semester)
  • Apply for graduation evaluation
  • Attend Commencement and applicable graduation celebrations

SYE Key Student Expectations:

  • Active Participation in Peer Mentoring

    • Attend a minimum of 5 peer mentor meetings per semester.

  • Comprehensive Education Plan

    • Meet with a counselor to create a comprehensive educational plan. This should be completed as soon as possible, but no later than the end of your first semester. Remember to update your plan each semester.

SYE students will have access to the following benefits:


We are located in The HUB.

Funding provided by Initiated with funding from U.S. Department of Education Title V HSI Grant and the California State Initiative AB 2 Program.



(661) 722-6300 x6478

Request Peer Mentor or (661) 722-6300 x6478

Sarah Schneider, Project Supervisor Student Services

Yoselin Palacios Lopez, Program Specialist

Mari-ali Baiza, Clerical Assistant III