What is Puente?
A Transfer-Prep Learning Community
The Puente Project's mission is to increase the number of students who enroll in colleges and universities, earn college degrees, and return to the community as mentors and leaders to future generations. Puente is open to all students.
The Puente Program is currently recruiting for the 2025-2026 cohort!
2025-2026 Puente Interest Form

AVC's Puente Program is open to ALL students who can take English 101, HD 101, AND Math (dependent on major*).
The Puente Program is open to students of ALL backgrounds and ALL majors.
* MATH 015/115 (Puente): Social & Behavioral Sciences, Health & Public Safety, Arts & Humanities, Kinesiology, and Language & Communication Arts
STEM (also dependent on self-placement): Math, Science, & Engineering, AFAB
Benefits of Puente Include:
- Priority registration
- Guaranteed seats in all Puente courses
- Curriculum focused on Latine literature and culture
- Transfer guidance: Personal essays, letters of recommendation, scholarships
- Professional mentorship
- Community engagement
- 1-on-1 academic, personal and career counseling
- Cultural events & activities
- University field trips
- Statewide leadership conference
- Summer Residential Institutes (Leadership, STEM, & Writing)
For more information visit:
The Puente Project Home Page (UC Berkeley)