Proposals and Submissions
The Art Gallery reviews proposals for exhibitions and artworks year round. Final decisions for the academic season are typically confirmed by the preceding May. Submissions should include:
Visual Materials
10 - 15 images labeled directly or via a corresponding list with artist, title, date, media, and dimensions. CDs and digital submissions via e-mail are preferred, however photographs and slides are also accepted. Digital images should be in JPEG format, no more than 3 MB each.
Written Materials
Exhibition Proposal and/or Artist Statement(s). Clearly indicate whether you are submitting a portfolio for general consideration or if you are a submitting a specific exhibition conceived for one or more artists. While complete exhibition proposals are given priority, gallery staff will also consider show concepts that depend on a collaboration between the curator and gallery faculty for development.
Current resume or CV detailing exhibition history and/or curatorial experience.
Recommended: Statement addressing how the artwork or exhibition operates within the educational role of the Art Gallery and uniquely speaks to the AVC community
Please address submissions to . . .
our email address, artgallery@avc.edu, or to our mailing address:
Antelope Valley College Art Gallery
Attn: Christine Mugnolo, Gallery Director
3041 West Avenue K
Lancaster, CA 93536