California College Promise Grant
The California College Promise Grant will waive all per-unit enrollment fees for students classified as a resident of California or AB 540, according to Admissions and Records. It will not waive any material fees, student representation fees, or health fees.
The 2024-2025 California College Promise Grant covers fall 2024, spring 2025, and summer 2025 semesters.
The 2025-2026 California College Promise Grant covers fall 2025, spring 2026, and summer 2026 semesters.
Furthermore to qualify you need to meet one of the following criteria:
• Meet income criteria by providing proof that you are receiving monthly cash assistance from TANF/CalWORKs, SSI/SSP, or General Assistance (or, if a dependent student, your parent(s) receive this assistance)
• Establishing that your income (or your parent's income, if you are a dependent student) was within set income standards
• Completing a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and have remaining "financial need" of at least $1,104
• Being a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient (or dependent); being a dependent of a victim of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack; having certification from the California Department of Veteran Affairs or the National Guard Adjutant General; or being a dependent of a deceased law enforcement/fire suppression personnel killed in the line of duty that you are eligible for this waiver
The California College Promise Grant has implemented academic standards. Students must meet California College Promise Grant academic standards. All grades will be used to determine CCPG eligibility.
Any combination of two primary consecutive terms (Fall and Spring) of cumulative GPA below 2.0, and/or cumulative course completion less than 50% may result in loss of fee waiver eligibility.
You’ll be notified within 30 days of the end of each term if you are being placed on either Academic (GPA) and/or Progress (Course Completion) probation. Your notification will include the information that the second term of probation will result in loss of fee waiver eligibility. After the second consecutive term of probation, you may lose eligibility for the fee waiver at your next registration opportunity.
Students Enrolled in a Baccalaureate Program
Students enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program who wish to apply for the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) waiver must submit either a Free application for Federal Student aid (FAFSA) or a California Dream Act Application in lieu of completing the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) Application.
Apply online at OpenCCC.
Need help with technical support? Call: 1(877)247-4836 Email:support@openccc.net
Apply through the FAFSA at studentaid.gov School Code is 001113
Apply through the Dream Act at https://dream.csac.ca.gov/ School Code is 001113
If your account shows a balance due you should immediately:
1. Pay the balance: Log into myAVC and click: Pay My Fees
2. Apply for a California College Promise Grant: at OpenCCC Students approved for the CCPG must pay any remaining balance due.
3. Set-Up a Payment Plan: Log into myAVC and click: Set up a Payment Plan
Payment Plans are available in fall and spring for a balance of $50 or more and require payment of a nonrefundable enrollment fee of $25.
Log into myAVC and click Check My Balance after making a payment, or approval of the California College Promise Grant to ensure your balance is $0. If you have set-up a Payment Plan, you will see a balance that will be reduced each time you make a payment. Students who have an active payment plan will not be dropped.
Loss of Eligibility For the California Promise Grant (CCPG)
A student shall become ineligible for a California College Promise Grant if the student is placed on academic or progress probation, or any combination thereof, for two consecutive primary terms. Loss of eligibility shall become effective at the first registration opportunity after such determination is made.
How to regain eligibility:
If you lose eligibility for the California College Promise Grant, there are a few ways that you can have it reinstated:
- Improve your GPA or Course Completion measures to meet the academic and progress standards
- A successful appeal regarding extenuating circumstances
- Not attending college in the district for two consecutive primary terms
The appeals process for extenuating circumstances includes:
- Verified accidents, illness or other circumstances beyond your control
- Changes in an economic situation
- Evidence of inability to obtain essential support services
- Special consideration factors for CalWORKs, EOPS, DSPS and veteran students
- Disability accommodations not received in a timely manner
Please note that foster youth and former foster youth (age 24 years and younger) are not subject to loss of the California College Promise Grant under these regulations.