EOPS & CARE: Services
Students must bring in their Student I.D. card in order to receive any services.
One-on-one Counseling
All EOPS students are required to see an EOPS Counselor three times per semester (one time for summer session if enrolled) unless otherwise notified. Individualized counseling is available for your academic, vocational/career, and personal needs.
Early Registration
All EOPS students are sent notices from the college for EOPS early registration appointments for Fall and Spring semesters.
Free tutoring services are available at the Learning Center for all students.
Typing, Faxing, Photocopying, and Printing
Typing services are available through our office for all EOPS students. There is a three-day minimum turn around for all typing assignments. Papers will be typed "as is."
Photocopying services are available at our office for school or personal related paperwork only (no large photocopying jobs or books). Photocopying is for EOPS students only. For any documents you would like printed, please make sure you have them saved to a flash drive.
Depending on the availability of funds, each EOPS student may be eligible to receive an EOPS financial grant and/or textbook grant to supplement their federal/state financial aid funding. Funding is determined by the financial aid office and is based on the information provided on the FAFSA. Please note that EOPS is a supplemental program for most students who receive financial aid funding. Therefore, the Pell and other grants from financial aid would be your first source of funding for your educational needs. In order to receive EOPS grants, eligible students must also be in compliance with the Mutual Responsibility Contract.
Campus Visitations
EOPS provides students the opportunity to visit 4-year private and public universities. UC and CSU campus visits are also offered throughout the school year through the Transfer Center.