Equipment Circulation
The IMC provides a wide variety of multimedia equipment such as Smart Carts (LCD/laptop/VCR and or DVD). Contact the IMC at ext. 6451 to see if we have what you need.
Although it is best to make equipment reservations well in advance to ensure availability, please place reservations at least one day before you plan to pick up the item. This will help us to assign the proper equipment to meet your multimedia needs.
Media Circulation
The IMC multimedia library contains many titles of programs which are available to faculty for regularly scheduled college courses, as well as other instructional purposes; and for student use to research a subject, media assisted tutoring, or for enjoyment. Student use of media is restricted to the IMC facility.
Collection Development
Recommendations and requests for additions to the IMC media collection are encouraged. New materials are selected for the media collection through requests from faculty, staff, and students. Media are purchased, most commonly, in the following formats: DVD and Blu-Ray
Faculty must request media available on a DVD or Blu-Ray that is closed captioned. VHS will be purchased only if there is no other option.
See Forms & Documents