Student Services
Campus walkway with banners

Course Interest and Pre-Registration Form

Fill out this form to help our staff match you with the right training for you. An Extended Learning team member will reach out to you to confirm your interest and enrollment in the selected program(s).

Which course(s) are you interested in registering for?

When submitting this survey, you confirm you are aware of the following conditions:

  • All private information filled in this survey will not be externally shared. Any information submitted is to facilitate training capacity.
  • Enrollment and payment processes and information will be sent upon receipt of this form and confirmation of course schedules.
  • Given the seat limits, submitting this registration form will not guarantee final enrollment.
  • Hybrid mode or online learning may be available for some courses.
  • You can opt out of enrollment after you receive the registration confirmation notification. Contact information will be shared with the school as part of the process.
  • Extended Learning Courses require a minimum of 10 participants to be offered and can accommodate up to a maximum of 25.