Respiratory Therapy

Respiratory Care - Baccalaureate Degree (BSRC)

Baccalaureate Degree Program


Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care

The Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care (BSRC) provides students who already possess the associate degree and licensed Respiratory Care Practitioners (RCPs) with additional knowledge, skills, and attributes in leadership, management, education, research and advanced clinical practice.

The BSRC allows students to accomplish their professional goals and prepare for advanced degrees without leaving the Antelope Valley, and at a fraction of the cost compared to other institutions offering bachelor’s degrees.

Why the BSRC?

Employers are placing greater demands on respiratory therapists (RTs), but many lack the necessary knowledge and skills to meet these demands. Respiratory Care Practitioners (RCPs) are required to expand their knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities beyond what is taught in an associate degree program. RCPs are being asked to take on more responsibilities than ever before, and employers are seeking those with additional skills and knowledge.

California Community College Baccalaureate Program Background:

In September 2014, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 850, which permitted the California Community Colleges Board of Governors (BOG) to launch a pilot program of baccalaureate degrees in 15 California Community Colleges. Later in May 2015, the Board of Governors approved the Airframe Manufacturing Technology program proposed by Antelope Valley College, making AVC one of the first 15 California community colleges to offer a baccalaureate degree.

In October 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill No. 927, which authorized the California Community Colleges Board of Governors to expand the statewide baccalaureate degree programs indefinitely, solidifying the need for equitable, accessible, and affordable baccalaureate degrees.

Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) 

CoARC accredits respiratory therapy education programs in the United States. To achieve this end, it utilizes an ‘outcomes-based’ process. Programmatic outcomes are performance indicators that reflect the extent to which the program's educational goals are achieved and by which program effectiveness is documented.

Antelope Valley College is currently in the process of seeking CoARC accreditation for a respiratory care program. However, Antelope Valley College can provide no assurance that accreditation will be granted by the CoARC.

(817) 283-2835

CoARC outcomes data is available through this link: 

Program Goals

To provide associate degree level graduates and licensed Respiratory Care Practitioners (RCPs) with additional knowledge, skills, and attributes in leadership, management, education, research, or advanced clinical practice both to meet their current professional goals and to prepare them for practice as advanced degree respiratory therapists.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon Completion of Degree requirements, students will be able to:

  1. Apply knowledge of advanced Respiratory Care concepts and functions in  Neonatal, pediatric, adult critical care, and leadership.
  2. Draw on multiple sources of analysis, research, and critical thinking to address a problem and construct an applicable project focused on Respiratory Care.
  3. Participate as a multidisciplinary team member in patient education and disease management of acute and chronic illnesses.
  4. Integrate professional and ethical behavior with enhanced communication skills required for practice within the diverse field of respiratory care.

Application Dates for Fall 2025 Admission:

  • The application period is from June 6, 2025, to July 11, 2025
  • The application deadline is July 11, 2025

Spring 2025 Information Session Dates - Must Register:

  • April 18, 2025, at 12:00 p.m. in Discovery Lab, Room 111 - Register
  • May 16, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. Virtual - Zoom Registration 

What are the prerequisites for entrance to the BSRC Program:

  • A minimum GPA of 2.0 across all college coursework.
  • Completion of an Associate Degree in Respiratory Care from a CoARC-accredited program.
  • Hold an RRT license or be eligible for licensure.
  • Completion of the additional course listed below. 

Note: General education and lower-division elective credit will only be accepted from regionally accredited colleges or universities.  

Additional Prerequisites: 


BIOL 201 (General Human Anatomy - 4 units) ENGL 101 (Academic Composition - 3 units)
BIOL 202 (General Human Physiology - 4 units) ENGL 115 (Intro to Technical Comm - 3 units)
CHEM 101 (Introductory Chemistry - 5 units) MATH (Transfer Level Math, Cal-GETC Area 2 - 3 units)
COMM 101 (Communication Studies - 3 units) PSY 101 (General Psychology - 3 units) 


Students applying for the BSRC program must complete all prerequisites by the end of the spring term for fall admission. A new cohort is admitted annually in the fall. Please note that submission of an application does not guarantee admission to the program.


Admission Selection Process: 

The program is limited to 30 students per year. Up to 24 spaces will be prioritized for the current year's graduating class, the remaining spaces will be prioritized by the following type of applicant: 

  1. Past Antelope Valley College Respiratory Care graduates who wish to complete the BSRC program. 
  2. Graduates from other programs who have completed a CoARC-accredited Respiratory Care program equivalent to an Associate Degree in Respiratory Care, are California licensure eligible and have completed the required additional prerequisite courses as listed above and submitted all application materials. 

For the remaining spaces, if more applications are received than spaces are allowed, admission will be determined by the multi-screening criteria and priorities 1 & 2 as listed above. A waiting list of 10 students will be formed for the current enrollment period. The multi-screening criteria may be found in this page's Program Forms and Documents section.  

Application Process:

1. Complete the BSRC Application for Enrollment form.

2. Attach official college transcripts for all post-secondary institutions attended, including Antelope Valley College (AVC). If you have Advance Placement (AP) credits, an official transcript must also be included. The AP transcript must be ordered from College Board. "Official" college transcripts must be submitted in a sealed envelope that has not been opened by the student. 

  • One set of transcripts is to be turned in with your application and one set must also be on file with the AVC transcript office. 
  • For multi-screening criteria; consideration of prior degrees earned: appropriate degree name and conferral date must be listed on the official transcript.
  • Students in their final semester of the RCP program at AVC, graduating in Spring 2025, are exempt from submitting official AVC transcripts; however, transcripts for other post-secondary institutions are still required.  

3. Attach a copy of your updated Education Plan completed by the BSRC assigned counselor.  Appointments can be made by email at or by calling (661) 722-6300 ext. 6338. Request to meet with the following Counselor: 

  • Nathasha Hong*

4. Submit items 1 through 3 to Project Supervisor Rosie Heasley in Enterprise Lab (EL), Room 136. 

  • These items collectively constitute your "application packet”.
  • You may also mail your application packet to:

                Antelope Valley College

                Attn: Rosie Heasley

               3041 W. Avenue K

               Lancaster, CA 93536

  • For drop-off hours, call (661) 722-6300 ext. 6882.
  • An after-hours mailbox is available outside Rosie Heasley’s office EL-136 for your convenience.

Students are advised of eligibility to enroll in the BSRC program by email. Students not admitted need to reapply the following year. Incomplete packets will not be considered. 

*Approved to evaluate transcripts from other institutions.

All required forms are available under the Program Forms and Documents section (bottom of page). 

Program Cost:

Complete this degree for $8,000 or less! Financial aid and scholarships may be available for eligible students admitted to the BSRC Bachelor of Science Degree Program. For more information, please click here for a link to the financial aid department. 

Tuition fees per Education Code, Sections 76300 and 78042, are $46 per unit, plus $84 per unit for upper-division coursework. You may click on each of the section's codes for additional information. 

For more information regarding CCPG or FAFSA please visit this link:

Program Additional Notes:

  • Submission of an application for enrollment form does not guarantee a student's admission to the program.
  • Applications are accepted once a year during the designated application period only.
  • There is currently one track available - Junior Track (3rd & 4th Year - 2 years).
  • Classes are offered online. * 
  • Cohorts are admitted annually in the fall semester.
  • The program is limited to 30 students per year.

*BIOL 304 may require in-person testing.

Program Forms and Documents:

Contact Us: 

Office Location - Enterprise Lab (EL), Room 136

Telephone - (661) 722-6300 ext. 6882 - for Bachelor of Science Degree Program

Telephone - (661) 722-6300 ext. 6402 for Associate of Science Degree Program