What are the Chosen Name Standards?
Antelope Valley College recognizes that many students and employees use chosen first names rather than legal first names to identify themselves. Starting August 2021, AVC students and employees have the ability to select a chosen first name through the new campus portal; my.AVC.
How does this impact making a legal name change?
It doesn't. Procedures for making a change to your legal name remain the same.
- For Students, submit this form in person to the Admissions and Records Office.
- For Employees, you will need this form and contact HR for additional information
Are students and employees required to select a chosen first name?
No. If a student or employee does not select a chosen first name, the individual’s legal first name will appear on all District-wide documentation.
Where will the chosen first name appear?
- Class rosters
- Canvas
- My.AVC
- Student ID
- Online phone directory
- Email addresses
- My.AVC
- Employee ID
Where will the legal first name appear even if a student or employee selects a chosen first name?
- Student Health Center
- Financial Aid Office
- EOPS/CARE/Guardian Scholars
- International Students
- Transcripts (official and unofficial)
- Human Resources/Payroll records
How do I select a chosen first name?
Students and employees should give serious consideration to the chosen name they select. This information will be used to identify individuals throughout the college, so any abuse of the chosen name service – including fraud, misrepresentation, or the inclusion of foul/inappropriate language – will result in the administrative removal of the chosen name.
Inappropriate use of a chosen name may also result in a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and/or Board Policy and may result in disciplinary action.
To indicate a chosen first name, login to my.AVC and you’ll find the Chosen First Name widget on your Dashboard. Follow the instruction in the window.
Once the information has been updated, click "Submit."