Welcome to our Parent/ Family Support Page!
Antelope Valley College respects the important role our students’ parents, families and support networks have played in their journeys to becoming college students and recognizes that there is still exciting work ahead.
It is important for you to become informed and connected in a way that will reinforce a sense of support in your student’s collegiate career as they set out to change the world. Traditionally, the First Year Experience department holds our Parent/Family Orientation program in the Summer and on campus to introduce resources, our amazing faculty and staff and to allow a forum for you to learn how to best support your student’s successful transition to college life.
Here’s what’s next.
For information and support as your student adjusts to college life, sign up for a FREE ParentLingo account and get started on your online orientation for parents and support teams TODAY!
"Experts in higher education have identified broad areas of adjustment that students need to work through during their first year: intellectual, social, emotional, cultural, academic, and financial adjustment. ParentLingo, your online parent orientation, will cover these areas of adjustment, provide real life examples, suggest questions for conversation starters, provide recommendations on campus resources, and supply words of advice from real-life parents and students.
The main goal of ParentLingo is to support parents as partners with higher education to support students toward independence, personal growth, and academic success."
~Innovative Educators
Parent & Family Contact List Subscription:
Use the QR Code or the link https://bit.ly/ParentFamilyContactList2022 to get flyers and information about what upcoming events, important dates and deadlines AVC has for your student and/or the community.
For more information about the event or how to support your student, please email First/Second Year Experience at fye@avc.edu or sye@avc.edu or call (661) 722-6300, ext. 6478.
ICYMI: Click on the image below to access the Parent/Family Orientation 2021 PowerPoint Presentation.