The majority of campus user requests for Facilities Services support can be submitted as a Facility Repair & Service Request (FRSR) via the FS Work Request System. The link to the FS Work Request System is at the right side of the page. If you currently do not have access to the FS Work Request System, it is recommended that you contact your Division/Department office for assistance to submit a request.
The FS Work Request System is the most reliable and expedient means for requesting services from Facilities Services. Due to staffing constraints the FS Help Center cannot provide call-in service for campus users.
If you consider your present situation to be an emergency or urgent nature, select this link:
The following examples are typical repair or service requests:
- Room is too hot or too cold.
- Room air supply/ventilation not working.
- Light is out.
- Room needs cleaning.
- Trash and/or recycling needs to be picked up.
- Change with door access schedule.
- Restroom supplies needed.
- Restroom fixture not working properly.
- Minor move needs; box or item furniture.
Information on the request submittal must be complete, clear and concise. Specific location on 'problem' information is important for the request to be responded to in an effective and timely matter.
To obtain information and instructions for other types of Facilities Services requests, including the following:
- Reserve a district vehicle
- Request an Alteration or Improvement to a Facility
- Request Access to a District Facility
- Request Use of a District Facility
Please select this link:
FS Help Center
FS Office Hours
M-Th 7:30am-6pm
F 8am-11am
FS Fax
FS Mailing Address
Antelope Valley College
Facilities Services
3041 W Ave K
Lancaster, CA 93536
FS Facilities Planning & Campus Development
661.722.6300, extension 6470
FS Maintenance & Operations
661.722.6300, extension 6480
FS Campus Events, Transportation, & Operations
661.722.6300, extension 6562
FS Anonymous Call-In
661.722.6300, extension 1120