FS Custodial provides routine cleaning and urgent/emergency cleanup and restoration services on the AVC campus. We recognize the importance of a clean and sanitized campus environment to support first-rate learning and working.
Department Responsibilities
- Routine cleaning of interior building areas including, but not limited to: classrooms, laboratories, meeting rooms, restrooms, offices, theaters, study areas and common areas.
- Ordering and replenishing of custodial supplies.
- Deep cleaning and restoration projects.
- Maintenance and repair of cleaning equipment.
- Custodial Urgent/Emergency calls. Urgent/Emergency response activities aim to protect human and animal life, and to stop, or significantly reduce, any immediate damage to facilities. For more information visit our EMERGENCY page.
- Note: The Custodial department operates during an evening shift to minimize disruption to the campus. Routine day custodial requirements are assigned to the Campus Events, Transportation and Operations department.
Department Levels of Service
State and national cleaning standards (APPA, NCES & CASBO) for school facilities are defined by the square footage of interior building space assigned to each custodian. The square footage assigned to each custodian dictates the quality level of cleaning and sanitizing that can be achieved. The following recognized standard (NCES) provides the AVC level of custodial service:
Level 1 – Spotless - 10,000 sq. ft. or less per custodian
Level 2 – Best Schools - 20,000 sq. ft. per custodian
Level 3 – Average Schools - 30,000 sq. ft. per custodian
Level 4 – Poor Schools - 45,000 sq. ft. per custodian
Level 5 – Unhealthy Schools – 85,000 sq. ft. per custodian
The current AVC Level of Service is: 21,544 sq. ft. per custodian
- The current level of service is approximately half way between Average Schools and Best Schools.
- APPA rates this level of service as Ordinary Tidiness.
- To reach the AVC goal of Best Schools, an additional 3 custodians are required.
Department Facts
- 1,392 gallons of hand soap was used on campus this past year.
- $123,000 was spent for substitute custodians this past year.
- 6,400,000 multi-fold towels were used and 2,880,000 linear feet, or 545 miles, of roll towels were used this past year.
- 5,438,160 linear feet of toilet paper was used on campus this past year. If stretched end to end it would reach Denver, CO. plus 30 miles. A total of 1,030 miles!
- 10,500,000 toilet seat covers were used on campus this past year.
Department Links
FS Help Center
FS Office Hours
M-Th 7:30am-6pm
F 8am-11am
FS Fax
FS Mailing Address
Antelope Valley College
Facilities Services
3041 W Ave K
Lancaster, CA 93536
FS Facilities Planning & Campus Development
661.722.6300, extension 6470
FS Maintenance & Operations
661.722.6300, extension 6480
FS Campus Events, Transportation, & Operations
661.722.6300, extension 6562
FS Anonymous Call-In
661.722.6300, extension 1120