Capital planning and construction services are provided by the FS Facilities Planning and Campus Development department. Services include overseeing the development, design and construction for all site and facility improvements, building renovations and major capital construction projects at Antelope Valley College. A team of professional consultants with expertise in planning, architecture, engineering and construction, manage projects from concept through design, construction and occupancy.
The selected team is charged to deliver physical environments that support and enhance the College’s academic mission. This goal is achieved by working closely with faculty, staff, administrative and community entities in all aspects of the project development. From site selection, to design and construction of facilities and meeting tight budget requirements, collaboration plays a critical role in the teams work to provide innovative and cost-effective design and solutions to the AVC community.
Design Management – Architectural design services are generally provided by the selected campus architectural and engineering firm. Depending on complexity, size and scheduling, additional A&E firms may be contracted to provide services for specific projects.
FS Help Center
FS Office Hours
M-Th 7:30am-6pm
F 8am-11am
FS Fax
FS Mailing Address
Antelope Valley College
Facilities Services
3041 W Ave K
Lancaster, CA 93536
FS Facilities Planning & Campus Development
661.722.6300, extension 6470
FS Maintenance & Operations
661.722.6300, extension 6480
FS Campus Events, Transportation, & Operations
661.722.6300, extension 6562
FS Anonymous Call-In
661.722.6300, extension 1120