Title V: iCAN
iCAN, the College Access Network, helps high school students become ready for college.
Fifty students each year will be chosen to participate in a variety of activities including the Academic Academy, which will identify students' skill levels to build personalized study strategies. Homework help and tutoring will be provided if needed. iCAN students will be introduced to college life: clubs, sports, events, cultural activities. They will take field trips to universities, research labs, and other high-tech worksites.
The iCAN program begins the summer between the student's sophomore and junior years in high school and follows the student until he or she is accepted into a university. If the student decides to attend any university immediately after high school, iCAN will continue to provide support the summer between high school and college. If the student decides to attend Antelope Valley College, the student will continue in the program until he or she transfers to a university.
For more information contact:
The Information and Welcome Center
661.722.6300, extension 6331
Title V iCAN Program Office
661.722.6300, extension 6844
Is the iCAN program right for me?
The targeted student population of iCAN will be comprised of students with the following characteristics:
- Low income
- Students whose parents did not go to college
- Hispanic and other underrepresented students
- Students who are aspireing to become teachers or scientists/engineers
To be selected, multiple criteria will be considered including:
- Completed application by the family
- GPA (must be at least 2.67)
- Must have passed one or more sections of CAHSEE
- Parent and student interview
- Student written essay (completed during the interview process)