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People, Culture and Talent (HR): Confidential Management & Supervisory Positions

All positions require the completion of the appropriate Antelope Valley College application and supporting documents as outlined in the job announcement. 

Any degree from a country other than the United States, including Canada and Great Britain, must be evaluated by an evaluation service.

The following is a general description of our current position openings with a link to a detailed job announcement. Please read the announcement carefully for details regarding required application materials.  Faxed or e-mailed material cannot be accepted.

People, Culture and Talent (HR) Office Number: (661) 722-6300 x. 6311 (voice/relay)


All documents are PDFs.

Current Open Positions - Accepting Applications

To apply on-line go to Neogov:  https://www.schooljobs.com/careers/avc

None     The PCT Office is currently accepting applications on NEOED


Current Closed Positions - Pending Screening or Interviews

Director of Innovation & Grants RN22-129 CLOSED ON HOLD
Director, Veterans Resource Center RN24-06 CLOSED Applications under review.
People, Culture and Talent Assistant (H.R.) RN24-04 CLOSED Recruitment Cancelled
Performing Arts Supervisor & Technical Director RN23-111 CLOSED Applications under review
Sr. Administrative Assistant (VP Office Student Equity) RN23-93 CLOSED Applications under review
Buyer Supervisor RN24-10 CLOSED Applications under review
Director of Institutional Research (Re-advertised) RN23-46/3 CLOSED Applications under review
Manager, Project RN24-22 CLOSED Applications under review
Director, Benefits & Risk Management RN24-23 CLOSED Applications under review



Recently Closed Positions

Human Resources Assistant, Title IX and Compliance RN23-76 CLOSED Position Filled
Project Supervisor Student Services FYE/SYE RN23-42 CLOSED Position Filled
Human Resources Assistant  RN23-39 CLOSED Position Filled
Director, Maintenance & Operations RN23-24 CLOSED Position Filled
Manager, Project RN23-19 CLOSED Position Filled
Director, Dual Enrollment RN23-17 CLOSED Position Filled
Director Facilities Planning & Logistics RN23-12 CLOSED Position Filled
Next Up Project Supervisor (Funded by Restricted Funds) RN23-11 CLOSED Position Filled
Director, Office of Students with Disabilities RN23-10 CLOSED Position Filled
Director, Child Development Center (Re-advertised) Deadline Extended RN22-128 CLOSED Not filled
Manager Financial & fiscal Services RN22-95 CLOSED Position Filled
Director, Learning Center RN22-85 CLOSED Position Filled
Supervisor, Food Services  RN22-75 CLOSED Position Filled
Human Resources Technician RN22-53 CLOSED Position Filled
Project Supervisor Student Services (funded by restricted funds)  RN22-51 CLOSED Position Filled
Director, CalWORKs RN22-33 CLOSED Position Filled
Director, EOPS RN22-22 CLOSED Position Filled
Sr. Administrative Assistant RN22-19 CLOSED Position Filled
Director, Enrollment Services RN22-125 CLOSED Position Filled
Director, STAR, TRIO, SSS RN22-110 CLOSED Position Filled
Supervisor, Custodial RN22-06 CLOSED Position Filled
Director, Maintenance & Operations RN21-82/2 CLOSED Position Filled
Manager, Projects RN21-56/2 CLOSED Not filled
Academic Affairs Specialist RN21-50 CLOSED Position Filled
Sr. Administrative Asst. RN20-67 CLOSED Position Filled
Project Supervisor Student Services RN20-66 CLOSED Position Filled
Academic Affairs Specialist Temporary 1 year (re-advertised) RN20-51 CLOSED Position Filled
Clerical Assistant III, CMS-Re-Advertised RN20-49/2 CLOSED Position Filled
Supervisor, Custodial Services 10:00 pm to 6:30 am (apply online) Re-advertised RN20-43/2 CLOSED Position Filled
Clerical Assistant III, Human Resources RN23-87 CLOSED Position Filled
Director, MESA RN23-66 CLOSED Position Filled
Director, CDC (Re-Advertised) RN23-89/2 CLOSED Position Filled
Director, Benefits and Risk Management RN23-95 CLOSED Not Filled
Supervisor, Campus Events and Operations RN23-101 CLOSED Position Filled