Student Development: ASO Sticker
The ASO Sticker is an additional feature of your AVC Student ID card. When students purchase their parking pass online it includes the ASO Sticker. Bring your parking pass confirmation email or receipt to the ASO Counter inside the HUB to receive your sticker. For those not purchasing a parking pass the ASO Sticker can be purchased for $10 in the Fall and Spring semesters at the Cashier's Office located in the Student Services building.
The ASO Sticker benefits include:
- Access to Emergency Grants
- Basic school supplies (notebooks, scantrons, pencils, etc.)
- 40 free WEPA copies
- Free admissions into athletic events
Refund Policy
The ASO sticker fee will be refunded in full to those students who completely withdraw from all classes within the first two weeks of instruction. Request for a refund must be in writing and be accompanied by the sticker and cashier receipt. Submit them in the ASO Office in the HUB. Refunds will be mailed to the address on file with the college within 2 weeks.