TimelyCare and Antelope Valley College have partnered to provide virtual medical services and virtual Mental Health for currently enrolled students.
Create a free account now and use your TimelyCare app on your computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile device.
TeleHealth - Virtual Medical Visits
- 24/7 Care
- Discuss and treat illnesses including: cold, sinus infection, flu, and more.
TeleMental - Virtual Mental Health Counseling
- 12 sessions a year
- Discuss and treat: anxiety, stress, relationships, depression and more.
Talk Now - Can't wait for an appointment?
- On-demand 24/7 mental and emotional support.
- Health literacy guidance and crisis management.

Helpful Tips to Cope with Grief and Loss
Understand Feelings of Grief and Loss
It’s normal to feel different emotions and grieve in different ways. You may feel a combination of
shock, fear, sorrow, anger, regret, confusion, or numbness - and that’s okay.
Understand Grief
Grief is a range of emotions and a journey to adapting to a life that is different. As time goes
by, feelings related to grief may change and lessen. There is no normal timetable for grieving.
Whatever your grief experience, it’s important to be patient with yourself, healing happens
gradually. Talking about feelings and getting emotional support can be effective.
Cope with Grief
Take it one day at a time. Stick to a healthy routine of sleeping, eating, and physical activity.
Talk about your emotions and be open to receiving support from others. When you feel ready, reflect
on the person’s legacy. Ask yourself questions like:
1. What lessons did they pass along to you?
2. How did they impact your life?
3. How are you different because of knowing them?
4. How can you continue that legacy?
Support Someone Grieving
Be an active listener and dedicated supporter; don’t make it about yourself or your own
experiences. Encourage healthy coping strategies and support through the campus clinic or
TimelyCare, if necessary. Seek immediate help if you notice these signs of distress:
1. Unable to care for themselves - cannot complete daily tasks.
2. Talking about suicide or suicidal ideation.
3. Expressing hopelessness, feeling trapped, unbearable pain, being a burden to others, wanting to
seek revenge, extreme anger or rage, and/or extreme mood swings.
4. Using alcohol or other drugs, sleeping too much or too little, and/or isolating or withdrawing
from life completely.
TimelyCare is available 24/7/365 to you for free. Download the app to talk to a professional during
this hard time on campus.
© TimelyCare 2024