Admissions & Records: Frequently Asked Questions
I’m a new student, where do I start?
Click Prospective Students to learn about the admissions process. Becoming an AVC student is as easy as Apply, Plan, and Pay!
When and how do I apply?
Apply online! using CCCApply. When applying for a term, make sure that you apply by the deadline to receive a registration appointment.
New Students -- Complete the online application. The account you create is only for the application process. You will be asked to provide an email address. It is important to remember this address. After your application is approved, AVC will email you a Student ID number and a myAVC account user ID to the email address you used to apply with.
Returning Students -- If you were enrolled at Antelope Valley College during the prior semester you may register online using myAVC. You do not need to submit an application.
If you are a Special Admit student -- a student enrolling in college courses who will not be graduated from high school as of the start of the college semester. Students who take college classes and middle/high school classes at the same time have additional enrollment requirements. -- Complete the online application. Download the Special Admit Middle/High School form. Please call the Admissions and Records Office at (661) 722-6504 with any questions.
International Students – citizens of another country visiting or planning to visit the United States to study on an F-1 Student Visa -- DO NOT apply using the online application. Please see instructions listed at https://www.avc.edu/studentservices/intl/ or call (661) 722-6331.
How can I get priority registration?
If you have attended AVC in the past year or completed an admission application as a regular student for the registration term, you may be eligible for a priority registration appointment. View the Registration Dates for application and registration deadlines.
Special Admit - middle/high school students are not eligible for Priority Registration.
For students who are eligible for a registration appointment, view the Order of Priority Registration for more information.
You may view which components of Matriculation you have completed by logging into your myAVC account and clicking the College Services tab.
How do I find my Priority Registration Appointment?
When Priority Registration appointments are available for a term, a link on the myAVC home page will be available. Click the link to see your registration time. Make sure to register when your time begins.
How do I add/drop a course?
You may add/drop a course on the web using your myAVC account.
- Click the Register and Access Student Records link on the home tab.
- Click the Student link.
- Click the Registration link.
- Click the Select Term link. Select the term and click the Submit button. You will be taken back to the menu.
- Click the Add/Drop Classes link.
- Enter the CRN (or CRNs) and click the Submit Changes button.
During Priority Registration, you should access your myAVC account before your registration time to check your registration status. If you encounter difficulties logging into your myAVC account, visit the myAVC home page for assistance logging in or other technical assistance.
Some courses have prerequisites, co-requisites, or other registration restrictions. For more information about a course, go to Lookup classes, search for your course, and click the BLUE CRN link.
After a course starts, you may add online using an Add Authorization Code given by the instructor until the last date to add. AACs replace signed add slips. For more information on AACs, visit the AAC home page. For more information dates and deadlines, view the Registration Dates. For specific add dates for a course, go to Lookup classes, search for your course, and click the BLUE CRN link.
Using an AAC code is:
E – Enter AAC
A - Authenticate
S – Submit Changes
Y – You will see the changes when you review your schedule
What are Registration Errors?
Some courses have registration restrictions. You must meet the requirements before enrolling in a course.
The most common registration errors are:
PREQ – prerequisite error (you need to have taken another course first or received a certain score on the AVC assessment test before enrolling in the course. English, Math, Reading and many other courses have prerequisites.)
CORQ – co-requisite (there is another course that needs to be taken concurrently. Example is BIOL 101 lecture and lab)3
TIME CONFLICT – time conflict (one or more course meeting days overlap with another course you are registering for)
CLOSED SECTION-AUTH REQ – closed class (the class is full and there are no more available seats)
REPEAT COUNT EXCEEDS… – repeat error (you have already taken the course and cannot enroll without prior authorization)
Resolving registration errors may require you to seek assistance from Admissions and Records or the Counseling Office. Many registration errors can be avoided by reviewing your records, checking course times, etc. prior to attempting registration.
When is a picture ID needed?
Picture ID is required for all transactions processed at the Admissions and Records Counter.
What if the class I want to register for is closed?
Select another open course to enroll in or keep checking Lookup classes to check for available seats your preferred course.
What do I do if I have a hold on my records?
You can view holds on your record though your myAVC account. If you have a question about a hold on your record, visit the Admissions & Records office with a picture ID. You will be referred to the appropriate office. Many holds prevent registration and should be resolved as soon as possible.
When do I pay for my classes?
After registering for a course you have to pay by all posted deadlines. If you plan to receive financial aid, make sure all paperwork is complete and in order to avoid being dropped. Click the links below for additional information regarding deadlines and fees.
Transcript Office FAQs
International Student Program (ISP) FAQs
Where can I find links related to International Students?
- http://www.ice.gov/sevis/i901/
- Foreign Consular Offices in the United States
https://www.state.gov/s/cpr/rls/fco/ - Student Visas
https://travel.state.gov/visa/tempvisitors_types_students2.html - Visa Wait Time
https://travel.state.gov/visa/tempvisitors_wait.php - Maintaining your F-1 Status
https://www.ice.gov/sevis/sevisfactsheet.htm - Finding the Status of Your Case
https://egov.uscis.gov/cris/jsps/index.jsp - Processing Dates for Applications and Petitions
https://egov.uscis.gov/cris/jsps/ptimes.jsp - Visa Photo Requirements
https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en.html/pptphotos/index.html - Visa Denials
https://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi_denials.html - Glossary of Visa Terms
Which visa types does AVC accept?
AVC only accepts F-1 Student Visas.
How do I get an F-1 Student Visa?
Visit https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/study/student-visa.html for information on obtaining an F-1 Student Visa.
How do I change my visa status to an F-1 Student Visa?
Complete an I-539 by visiting https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/files/form/i-539.pdf
What is an I-901 fee and how do I pay?
Visit https://www.ice.gov/sevis/i901/faq for more information on the I-901.
Visit https://www.fmjfee.com/index.jhtml for more information on paying for the I-901 online.
Are there any other fees pertaining to the F-1 Visa?
Visit https://travel.state.gov/visa/vofees.html for more information on fees pertaining to F-1 Student Visas.
Is there an application fee for AVC?
No. There is no application fee for AVC.
What is the TOEFL?
Visit www.ets.org/toefl for more information on the TOEFL.
When is the TOEFL required?
If your country’s primary language is anything other than English then you will need to take the TOEFL and earn at least a 45 on the iBT or 450 on the PBT.
How do I show proof of TOEFL exemption?
If you graduated from a US high school or completed ENGL 101 at an accredited university then the TOEFL requirement can be exempted.
What are the current tuition and fees costs for AVC?
Tuition and fee information can be found here, https://www.avc.edu/studentservices/adminrec/tuition#enrollmentfees
Are there any dormitories or other housing on the AVC campus?
No. There are no housing options on AVC's campus.
Can I work while I hold an F-1 Visa?
Yes, but not off campus. You can start working after the completion of your first full term at AVC. You will need to request a letter from your coordinator after you have been offered a job on campus.
What is the financial obligation required for AVC?
A Minimum of $18,000 on a bank or financial statement must be provided prior to acceptance.
What is the health insurance requirement for AVC?
Insurance from a US agency showing full medical coverage with a minimum of $250,000 in lifetime medical coverage must be provided prior to the beginning of your first term. (Travel insurance not accepted). Medical coverage must be maintained the entire time you are here as a student
How many units are required to maintain F-1 visa status?
12 units for the fall and spring
What is the minimum GPA required to maintain F-1 visa status?
A 2.00 is the minimum GPA required to maintain F-1 visa status.
If my personal information changes, how soon do I notify AVC?
You must let the International Student Program Coordinator know of any changes to your address, phone number or any information pertaining to maintaining your F-1 visa status within 10 business days.
What is OPT and how do I file?
Visit https://www.ice.gov/sevis/students/opt.htm for more information on OPT and filing information.
Where is more information on financial aid or loans?
Loans for International Students http://www.edupass.org/finaid/loans.phtml
What if I have a question for the US Embassy or Consulate?
Online Services FAQs
How do I logon to myAVC?
Users that have never logged in to myAVC before will have to first identify their user name. To find a user name, click on the How do I find my user name? link on the main myAVC home page.
This will open up a dialog box. Users must enter their last name, first name, 6-digit date of birth (two digits for the month, two digits for the day, and the last two digits of the year), and the last four digits of their Social Security Number. None of this information is case-sensitive. After completing all of the fields, click on the continue button.
The default login password to myAVC is the user’s 6-digit date of birth. Upon logging in for the first time, myAVC will indicate that the password has expired and require that the password be changed. The new password must be at least 8 characters in length and must contain at least one number and one letter.
All users that login to myAVC will now be required to answer five questions. These questions will be used for myAVC user password recovery purposes if needed. Be sure to print this page in case the answers are forgotten.
After answering the questions, click on the Save Changes button located in the lower right of the page. After saving the answers to the five questions, the user will be able to continue his or her myAVC session and will not see this screen again, unless the user chooses to change the answers to those questions.
If you encounter problems logging into myAVC, the home page contains information on logging in and how to contact technical support.
What if I forget my User name or Password to log into myAVC?
When you apply to AVC, you are given a user name. Your user name for myAVC is the first letter of your first name and your last name (no spaces). For common names, numbers will be assigned: jdoe1, jdoe2, jdoe3.
To get your User name, visit the myAVC home page and then click "How do I find my user name and password? Enter your information and click the "Continue" button.
If you forget your password, myAVC will now allow users to retrieve their passwords by answering three of the five saved security questions. These will be randomly chosen. To access this feature, click on the Forgot your password? Click here. link located on the main myAVC login page below the login fields. After clicking on the link, enter the myAVC user name associated with the lost password and click the Continue button.
The user will then have to answer three of the five secret questions. After answering these questions, click on the Continue button to reset the user password or Reset to reset the answer form and start over.
After successfully answering three of the secret questions, the user will then be able to reset his or her myAVC password.
Why should I use myAVC?
Registration – check your registration appointment and register online.
Announcements and Emails – keep up to date with information about events, activities, services and deadlines.
Calendar – keep up with your weekly schedule and important deadlines.
Channels – get easy access to catalog/schedule information, registration dates, Financial Aid status, Registration Appointment, Information updates and more!
Emails and Announcements: why should I read them?
AVC communicates a lot of information through announcements and emails. If you miss these, you miss out on important information regarding deadlines and services.
How do I view my Final Grades or Academic Transcript?
To view your final grades or academic transcript, login to your myAVC account and follow these steps:
- Click the Register & Access Student Records link from the top-center channel on the myAVC home tab.
- Click the Student link from the Main Menu
- Click the Student Records link from the Student Services & Financial Aid menu
- You will see several links including View Holds, Final Grades, Academic Transcript, etc.
- For Final Grades - click the Final Grades link, select the term you wish to see final grades for and click the submit button.
- For Academic Transcript - click the Academic Transcript link and click the submit button.
How do I get more information on myAVC features?
After you login to your myAVC account, click the Tutorial tab.