Procurement Cards |
Virtual Cards |
Procurement Cards (P-Cards)
Procurement cards are available for check out from the Purchasing Department (see process below). These cards must be signed out and are available for daily transactions of $200 or less (except Costco, which can be used for the amount of the Purchase Order). For emergencies situations, threshold(s) may be increased upon approval from the Business Services area.
Procurement cards cannot be used to purchase the following or any other unauthorized purchase(s):
- Personal purchases
- Furniture & Equipment (unless prior approval received from Facilities)
- Gift cards and/or certificates
- Gratuities and gifts
- Printers, computers, scanners, or other IT/IMC equipment (unless prior approval received from IT)
- Alcoholic beverages or any substance, material, or service which violates policy, law, or regulation pertaining to the District
- Capital equipment
- Non-Pepsi Beverages
The following is a list of available Procurement Cards:
- Chevron - available through Campus Events
- Costco - Employees MUST use the District's Costco Card when making District purchases under a PO; not doing so is grounds for termination of our Costco account
- Home Depot (CMS employees only for in-store purchases)
- Lowes (CMS employees only for in-store purchases)
- Staples (CMS employees only for in-store purchases)
To utilize a Procurement Card, please enter a Requisition for a Standing PO as outlined on the Standing PO page.
Procurement Cards may be reserved by emailing purchasing@avc.edu to schedule a day and time. To checkout a procurement card with the Purchasing Department, the authorized user must present their AVC ID and a copy of the PO. A completed and approved Procurement Card Shopping List may be presented upon checkout of a procurement card, but is no longer required. Procurement Card purchases made using a Standing PO require approval from the Department Supervisor - please see our Standing PO page for details.
Related Documents:
Procurement & Virtual Card/Standing Purchase Order Agreement
Standing Purchase Orders
Procurement Process
Procurement Card Shopping List
Virtual Cards (V-Cards) For Non-Travel Purchases
A Virtual Credit Card (V-Card) can be issued to a requester to purchase items on an approved purchase order. The V-Card is a virtual card, not a physical card, and requesters should ensure the vendor accepts this type of tender before requesting one from the Purchasing department. Requester must also have a completed Procurement & Virtual Card/Standing Order Agreement (P/V Card Agreement) on file with the Purchasing department in order to request a V- Card (please note this is an updated form and different from the original Procurement Card/Standing Order Agreement Form).
Use of a current V-Card, or requests for future V-Cards, may be suspended at any time should a Requester or Authorized User not follow the requirements below or utilize the card in an unauthorized manner (please reference your P/V Card Agreement).
Important Guidelines
- "Okay to Pays" must be forwarded by the authorized approver to accounts_payable@avc.edu within 2 business days of receipt of the items/services purchased using the virtual credit card.
- All order confirmations and receipts MUST be forwarded to accounts_payable@avc.edu and purchasing@avc.edu immediately upon receipt.
- If your request was approved to purchase beverages, only Pepsi brand beverages may be purchased.
Requesting a Virtual Credit Card (V-Card)
- Contact your Buyer to discuss the purchase and to see if using a V-Card is an option.
- Create your REQ as normal and include the following information:
- Vendor # 900342610 for Virtual Plus Mastercard
- Document Text:
- Vendor Name(s): [Actual name of vendor(s) purchase being made with]
NOTE: If multiple vendors are being used, only one FOAP can be utilized on the REQ. - Description: [items to be purchased]
NOTE: If multiple vendors are being used, breakout by vendor - Max # of Transactions: [# of transactions you will be making with the V-Card]
- Date Range: [Date range transactions will be made]
NOTE: Cannot exceed end of year deadlines - Authorized User: [Person authorized to make transactions – they will receive V- Card information]
- Vendor Name(s): [Actual name of vendor(s) purchase being made with]
- Description: Standing PO for V-Card
- U/M: EA
- Tax Group: NT
- Quantity: 1
- Unit Price: [This is to include the total cost of your purchase with tax, freight, etc.]
NOTE: If you are using multiple vendors, the total PO amount must not require multiple quotes per the Requisition Checklist.
- Attach documentation for the purchase into Onbase as noted per the REQ checklist.
- Complete your REQ for approvals.
V-Card purchases made using a Standing PO require approval from the Department Supervisor - please see our Standing PO page for details on acquiring approval and submitting a Requisition for a Standing PO.
Using your Virtual Credit Card (V-Card)
For purchases where the credit card payment needs to be made in person or needs to be physically presented to a vendor, the requester is to contact the vendor in advance to confirm any special requirements (cc authorization form, etc.). Vendor Required Credit Card Authorization forms for non-travel purchases are completed by the requester.
- Always follow the District's policies and procedures when using the card, https://www.avc.edu/administration/busserv/purchasing
- The card can only be used for the approved items on your REQ/PO.
- Shipping information: When completing Shipping information for the card please note the following:
a) First Name: Antelope Valley College or AVC
b) Last Name: Warehouse
c) Business Name (if applicable): Antelope Valley College
d) Address 1: 3041 W Ave K
e) Address 2: [PO #]
f) City, ST, Zip: Lancaster, CA, 93536
g) Shipping Phone: 661-722-6310 - Billing information: When completing Billing information for the card please note the following:
a) Cardholder Name: First Name: AVC Last Name: District
b) Billing Address: 3041 W Ave K, Lancaster, CA 93536
c) Billing Phone: 661-722-6309 - You will need to contact vendors in advance that will require the physical card to confirm any additional requirements.
- Vendor Required Credit Card Authorization forms, if required, are completed and signed by the authorized card user. It is the responsibility of the department to ask if a Credit Card Authorization form is required. Use the above billing information noted in item 3.
- All order confirmations and receipts MUST be forwarded to accounts_payable@avc.edu and purchasing@avc.edu immediately upon receipt (include warehouse@avc.edu for tangible items).
- "Okay to Pays" MUST be forwarded by the authorized approver to accounts_payable@avc.edu within 2 business days of receipt of the items/services purchased using the virtual credit card.
V-Card purchases made using a Standing PO require approval from the Department Supervisor - please see our Standing PO page for details on acquiring approval.
All tangible items purchased with the V-Card must be delivered and processed through the District’s Warehouse.
V-Card purchases must adhere to the District’s End of Year Deadlines.
Please see the District’s Chrome River Travel Policies and Procedures and Emburse Virtual Card Guidelines for Travel related Virtual Card Purchases.
Related Documents:
Procurement Process
Procurement Card Shopping List
Procurement & Virtual Card/Standing Purchase Order Agreement
Standing Purchase Orders