Mailroom Processes, Procedures & Forms
Mail Delivery
Mail Pick-up
Mail Supplies
Student Deliveries via Red Box
Mail and Distribution of Material Process and Procedures
Mail Delivery
Incoming mail from the United States Postal Service (USPS) is typically delivered anytime between 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. (M-F) and is then processed and placed within one (1) business day in department's/division's mailboxes (two days if after a long holiday break). Please include your name and department on all District mail sent and/or received. If addressed only to "Antelope Valley College" with no point of contact, we will open mail and forward it accordingly. All USPS mail is government property; therefore, mail to faculty and staff that are no longer at the District must be forwarded to HR.
Packages delivered to the Warehouse are processed and delivered to the Mailroom after 2:00 p.m. each business day (Monday-Thursday). These include (but not limited to): UPS, FedEx, OnTrac, etc.
Mail Pick-up
USPS mail is typically picked up between 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. (PST) Monday thru Friday. Therefore, please ensure your outgoing mail is delivered to the Mailroom no later than 8:00 a.m. (PST). Please note: Students and Student Workers are not allowed in the Mailroom/Duplication office due to the confidential material being processed.
Palmdale Center: The Warehouse delivers mail & interdepartmental mail to the Palmdale Center every Tuesday and Thursday.
Personal Mail: All personal mail should have the correct postage affixed. If you need assistance, please contact one of the Mailroom/Duplication Technicians for assistance.
Mail Supplies
Supplies for USPS Priority Mail and Express Mail are available in the Mailroom. We do not sell stamps. UPS supplies are available thru the Warehouse.
Student Deliveries via Red Box
Students/Student Workers are not allowed in the Mailroom/Duplication office due to the confidential material being processed. Therefore, students are allowed to drop off class materials and messages to instructors in the red box located outside the Mailroom (forms available on red box). Faculty and Staff are discouraged to accept any materials from Students while in the Mailroom/Duplication office and should direct Students to use the red box. The Mailroom/Duplication Technicians check the red box multiple times a day to ensure that Students' messages/deliveries are placed in faculty members' in-boxes the same day received.
Mail and Distribution of Material Process and Procedures
Use of Bulletin Boards and Facilities:
Employee organizations shall be granted the right to: contact employees, use the District's bulletin boards and mail boxes, distribute employee organizational materials and use the District's facilities for organizational meetings in accordance with procedures and limitations established by this policy. Materials of organizations, employees, and individuals that are posted, mailed or distributed under this policy shall not be in conflict with the interest of the District, nor shall they contain anything obscene or which tend to degrade or malign any person or organization.
Use of College (aka District) Mail:
College mail is defined as:
(a) Use of mailboxes located on the District's campus and at off-campus locations.
(b) Distribution of materials by employees of handouts or personal distribution.
(c) Materials distributed or left for pickup in coffee rooms, faculty rooms, dining areas, conference rooms, office areas, and in other locations used for general circulation by employees.
Communication by written materials may be entered into the College mails in sealed envelopes addressed to individuals or to all employees within one division or one office without restriction, providing the materials:
(a) Are primarily informational and are related directly to the business of the District and to its employees.
(b) Carry a notation that clearly identifies the sender and the organization he/she represents, if any, and that the sender or senders through their identification assume(s) responsibility for the material and the legal acceptability thereof.
Written communications of general circulation are defined as materials distributed through the College mails as defined to employees of more than one division or one office and are in the form of sealed or unsealed letters, circulars, memos, general announcements, or other productions for general distributions. Such communications shall not be distributed through the College mails as defined, unless and until a copy has been delivered to the mailbox of the President of the District or his designee. Such written items of general circulation shall comply with the provisions of (a) and (b) above. The District cannot guarantee the delivery or the confidentiality of any materials deposited to the College mails as defined, and users of the College mails are advised to use the U.S. mail if delivery and confidentiality are essential.
Distribution and Posting Materials:
Employee organizations may distribute or leave for pickup organizational literature on District property, provided that the organizations do not interfere with District business and the literature is not placed or distributed in site work areas. No one shall be allowed to distribute handouts in a manner which distracts employees who are on the job performing their duties, and must comply with the provisions of (a) and (b) above. Literature and similar materials may be distributed or left for pickup in coffee rooms, faculty rooms and in other designated site locations. Employee organizations distributing materials are responsible for maintaining neatness and order and for removal of excess or outdated materials. Posting or organizational notices, posters and similar materials will be permitted only in site areas designated as employee bulletin boards or other appropriate areas as determined by the President of the District or his designee. Space and time limitations may be invoked if there is an excessive volume of materials posted. Uncontrolled posting will not be permitted, however, equal treatment of all employee organizations is ensured.
Antelope Valley College has updated the ability to send certified mail! No longer will you need to fill out a "green" slip and attach it to your letter. It can all be done online.
Here is the link:
In order to use this link, you will need to be trained. Please contact one of the mail/duplication staff members for training!