Campus walkway with banners


District Board of Trustees

Public Comment Card (Members of the public who wish to comment at Board of Trustees meetings during Open Forum or regarding an item appearing on the meeting agenda are asked to complete a public comment card. The card should be submitted to the Board President prior to the point in the meeting at which the item is called.)

Michelle Harvey
Michelle Harvey
Trustee Area 1
(Term Expires 11/28)
Steve Buffalo
Steve Buffalo
Trustee Area 2
Vice President (Term Expires 11/26)
Michael Rives
Michael Rives
Trustee Area 3
(Term Expires 11/28)
Michael Adams
Michael Adams
Trustee Area 4
President (Term Expires 11/26)
Barbara Gaines
Barbara Gaines
Trustee Area 5
Clerk (Term Expires 11/26)
Anthony Rivera
Anthony Rivera
Student Trustee
(Term Expires 6/25)

