Raising Funds for the AVC Basic Needs Center
Antelope Valley College Foundation
The Antelope Valley College Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)3 established in 1991 to receive and administer gifts from individuals, corporations, and foundations, in support of the college. For more than 30 years, we have supported students by funding their pursuits toward higher education and providing resources to help with their success. Our mission, in partnership with a volunteer board of directors, is to increase resources, raise funds and create friends and partnerships in support of education at AVC.
- Contributions to the Foundation qualify for state and federal tax deductions and for estate tax savings.
- The Foundation is independently audited and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, most of whom live and work in the communities served by the Antelope Valley Community College District of north Los Angeles County.
About the Students We Serve
Each year, scholarship recipients are asked to send a video of thanks to their donor. Not only are these videos a special way to receive thanks from students, but it is also a valuable way to connect with our students and learn more about their educational journey. Below is a sample of a few we recently received:
2024-25 Student Demographics
- Giving Tuesday: From 2015 to 2024, we raised $85,631 for the ASO Hearts & Hands Food Pantry, expanding to support an average of 780 students each semester. Your donations help students to focus on being successful in the classroom.
- Scholarships: From 2015 to 2023, 1,445 scholarships were awarded to more than 800 students for a total of $1,306,430.
Growing the Foundation

Over the years, including during the pandemic, our donors have continued to support our students, faculty, staff, and college through in-kind and monetary support. The Foundation has transformed and has become stronger and more innovative in its approach and strategies for success. We have learned to be agile and flexible in our way of working, communicating, and adapting. We are appreciative of our donors who continue to make the mission of our organization possible.
- Continued strategic focus on endowment and scholarship growth
- 1,000 active donors averaging $2,348/donor
- Achieved 5%/year planned growth resulting in $11M total endowments