Facilities Involved Procurement
NOTE: The following information is provided as a guideline to assist District staff with Facilities involved procurement. Every request is unique and must be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Purchases Requiring Facilities Approval
Purchase without Installation or Maintenance/Repair
Purchase with Installation performed by Vendor < $60,000 or < Formal Bid Limit if Maintenance Work
Purchase with Installation performed by Facilities
Equipment Maintenance/Repair Work performed on campus < Formal Bid Limit
The following types of purchases require Facilities approval.
1. Any requests involving the following:
- access and egress considerations
- installation
- on-site maintenance/repair work
2. Equipment/Materials meeting one or more of the following:
- utility connection other than 120 single phase and/or over 15 amps,
- installation (including wall mounting)
- floor space without wheels
- additional counter space
- over 4 ft tall
- over 2,000 lbs
- affixed/mounted
3. Furniture including, but not limited to:
- chairs
- bulletin/dry-erase boards
- desks
- tables
- cabinets
- filing cabinets
- podiums
- bookcases
- plug in wall clocks
- floor mats
4. Signage including, but not limited to:
- nameplates
- directory/information signs
- exterior signs
- wall mounted signs
5. Services including:
- maintenance/service
- construction
- alteration of facilities/workspace
- demolition
- installation
- repairs
Purchase without Installation or Maintenance/Repair
2. Facilities will email requester when FAIR is approved
3. Requester submits REQ with the following supporting documentation
a. FAIR approval email from Facilities
b. Other supporting documentation as noted on the Requisition Checklist
Purchase with Installation performed by Vendor < $60,0001 or < Formal Bid Limit if Maintenance Work2
1. Requester submits completed FAIR with supporting documentation (SOW, quotes, etc.) to Facilities
2. Facilities will email requester when FAIR is approved and request copy of the Contractor’s Certificate of Insurance.
3. Requester submits REQ with the following supporting documentation
a. Requester will provide
i. FAIR approval email from Facilities
ii. W-9
iii. Contractor’s Certificate of Insurance
iv. Other supporting documentation as noted on the Requisition Checklist
b. Facilities will provide
i. Field Service Agreement
ii. PWC-100, required for Public Works3 requests (≥ $25,000 for Construction, ≥ $15,000 for Maintenance)
Purchase with Installation performed by Facilities
1. Requester submits completed FAIR with supporting documentation (SOW, quotes, etc.) to Facilities
2. Facilities will email requester when FAIR is approved
3. Requester submits REQ with the following supporting documentation
a. FAIR approval email from Facilities
b. Other supporting documentation as noted on the Requisition Checklist
Equipment Maintenance/Repair Work performed on campus < Formal Bid Limit1
1. Requester emails Facilities Services Contractor’s Certificate of Insurance and notifies them of scheduled maintenance/repair
2. Requester submits REQ with the following supporting documentation
a. Requester will provide
i. Contractor’s Certificate of Insurance (COI)
ii. W-9
iii. Other supporting documentation as noted on the Requisition Checklist
iv. Email to Facilities Services notifying them of scheduled maintenance/repair (the contractor will need to check in with Facilities prior to performing any work).
b. Facilities will provide
i. PWC-100, required for Public Works3 requests (≥ $25,000 for Construction, ≥ $15,000 for Maintenance)
1Contact Purchasing for Public Work requests ≥ $60,000 that do not fall under “Maintenance Work.”
2"Maintenance work" includes all of the following: (1) Routine, recurring, and usual work for the preservation or protection of any publicly owned or publicly operated facility for its intended purposes. (2) Minor repainting. (3) Resurfacing of streets and highways at less than one inch. (4) Landscape maintenance, including mowing, watering, trimming, pruning, planting, replacement of plants, and servicing of irrigation and sprinkler systems.
3Construction, alteration, demolition, installation, repair work done under contract and paid for in whole or in part out of public funds (Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1720(a)(1). For example, drilling into walls to install wiring for a piece of equipment would be considered Public Works.