The Honors Transfer Alliance Program (TAP) is a program that allows students who complete at least 15 units of honors course work to benefit from a number of Priority Admissions agreements when applying for transfer. Transfer partners include UCLA, UCI, UCR, and many more ( Additionally, when students complete our program and graduate with a degree, they can earn the added distinction of Honors Scholar. Please meet some of our scholars...
Mya Adolphus
Honors Scholar
Amanda Akrawi
Honors Scholar
Perla Ayon Rivera
Honors Scholar
Ernesto Balcazar
Honors Scholar
Alexander Bartlett
Honors Scholar
Vianna Basua
Honors Scholar
Joseph Ciufo
Honors Scholar
Selena Contreras
Honors Scholar
Makayla Dorman
Honors Scholar
Rosie Galvez
Honors Scholar
Allissa Gordon
Honors Scholar
Jasmin Hernandez
Honors Scholar
Hannah Hyland
Honors Scholar
Leah Killian
Honors Scholar
Andrew Nagy
Honors Scholar
Alondra Santana
Honors Scholar
Faustine Uzabakiliho
Honors Scholar
Kaiya Warren
Honors Scholar
Giselle Zamudio
Honors Scholar