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Admissions & Records: Student Expenses and Fees

Enrollment Fees & Refund Policy

Enrollment Fee

Beginning with the fall 1984 semester, all California Community Colleges began collecting the "California Community College Enrollment Fee" approved by the State Legislature and the Governor. Under the new fee program, designed to partially defray the cost of education and instruction materials, students are required to pay an enrollment fee of $46 per unit, per semester.

Refund of Enrollment Fees

Fees will be refunded for full-term classes dropped during the first two weeks of instruction for the fall and spring semesters. For short-term classes, the refund period is shorter. To check the refund date for all classes, please click on the class CRN in the online class schedule . No refunds will be made for full-term length classes after the end of the second week of instruction.

Summer refunds are only issued for drops during the first week. Refunds are issued 6-8 week after the beginning of the semester. NO CASH refunds will be given at the window.


Resident and Non-Resident Tuition & Refund Policy

Airframe Manufacturing Technology-Baccalaureate Degree Tuition

Tuition fees per Education Code, Sections 76300 and 78042, are $46 per unit, plus $84 per unit for upper division coursework. You may click on each of the section codes for additional information.

Nonresident Tuition

Tuition will be charged to students who qualify as nonresidents including out-of-state students and international students. Beginning summer 2024, the nonresident tuition rate is $397.00 per semester unit, payable at the time of registration. Nonresidents are also required to pay the $46 enrollment fee and a Capital Outlay fee of $20.00 per unit for a total of $463.00 per semester unit. The tuition rate is recalculated each year based on cost per student and is therefore subject to change. Additional information regarding residency requirements may be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office.

Refund of Nonresident Tuition

Refund of the Nonresident Tuition fee can be made only when the student negotiates a total withdrawal from the College. Refunds are not available for a reduction of program. The request for refund must be submitted in writing and accompanied by the registration receipt. Refund of the basic tuition fee will be made according to the following schedule:

Regular Semesters

1st week of instruction 90% of the original fee paid
2nd week of instruction 75% of the original fee paid
3rd week of instruction 50% of the original fee paid
4th week of instruction 25% of the original fee paid

Summer Terms

1st week of instruction 90% of the original fee paid
2nd week of instruction 50% of the original fee paid
3rd week of instruction 25% of the original fee paid

For the purpose of this section, the first week of instruction is the first week of the term, semester, or session. No refunds shall be made for withdrawal unless the written request for refund is date-stamped by the Registration Office. The request must be postmarked before midnight of Friday of the third week following that in which instruction begins for regular semesters or academic quarters, or the second week following that in which the instruction begins for summer sessions and sessions less than academic quarters. Refunds shall not exceed the amount of tuition paid and will be processed only when accompanied by the receipt issued at the time of payment.


Instructional Materials & Refund Policy

Instructional Materials Fees

Materials Fees will be charged to students in certain credit and non-credit courses when such materials are necessary to achieve the required objectives of a course and will be of continuing value to the student outside of the classroom. The instructional materials fee must be paid at the same time as enrollment.

Refund of Instructional Materials Fees

These fees will be refunded for classes dropped during the first two weeks of instruction. No refunds will be made after the second week of instruction.


Parking Fee & Refund Policy

Parking Fee

A parking permit is required to park a vehicle anywhere on campus. General parking permits are required from 8am-midnight Monday-Friday and 8am-4pm on Saturdays.

To avoid a citation, please park in authorized spaces only.  Parking without a permit or in a reserved parking spot may result in a $33.00 citation.  Parking in a designated handicap spot will result in a $338.00 citation.

To purchase parking permits please log into your MyAVC account:

  • Click on Payments > Parking > Student (Buy Permit)

Non-AVC students who need parking and do not have a MyAVC account can purchase parking here: https://mycampuspermit.com/avc.html

  • Click on Community > Register for an account

**All parking permits purchased online are activated immediately with a valid license plate.  A permit will also be mailed that you can static-cling to your front window (passenger side)

Semester Parking Fees

Fall/Spring - $28.00 (equals to $1.75 a week for 16 weeks).  Select the option with Parking/ASO in the description to receive an ASO sticker at no additional charge.

Summer - $15.00 (equals to $1.88 a week for 8 weeks)

Intersession - $10.00 (equals to $2.00 a week for 5 weeks)

Non AVC students parking permits are priced the same but do not include an ASO sticker.

Daily Parking Fees

$1.00 - Daily parking fee at parking permit dispensers (cash only - exact change).  Daily parking permit must be visible on your dashboard.

$1.28 - Daily permit fee on-line (Permit activated immediately with a valid license plate)

Location of permit dispensers:

  • Lot A2 (by Discovery Lab)
  • Lot B1 (by CSUB, ADA)
  • Lot C1 (by Student Services, ADA)
  • Lot C2 (by Mesquite Hall, ADA)
  • Lot D2 (by Student Center)
  • Lot E1 (by Marauder Stadium, ADA)
  • Lot E3 (by Fine Arts/Lecture Hall, ADA)
  • Lot E5 (by Softball Stadium)

Associated Student Organization (ASO)

The ASO sticker benefits for students include:

  • Free Admission to Football & Basketball games in the current semester (excludes playoffs/tournaments).
  • 40 free copies from the WEPA machine (loaded to your account within 24 hours after purchase, active only during current semester)
  • Community discounts provided through 25Score card.

To receive your ASO sticker and get access to the community discounts please go to the HUB.  Student ID and proof of purchase is required.

Parking Permit Refunds

Only a student who withdraws from all courses may request a partial refund for a parking permit. Students who want a refund must:

  1. Return permit to Cashier’s Office during the first two weeks for regular semesters and the first week during summer sessions.
  2. Students must fill out a parking permit refund request.

All refunds will be mailed to address on file. There will be no cash refunds.


Student Representative Fee & Refund Policy

Student Representation Fee

Student Representation Fee of $2 provides support for student representatives to provide advocacy and to lobby for legislation such as bills that will keep enrollment fees at the lowest possible level. This fee may be waived during the time of registration only and is not covered by the CCPG.


Student Health Services & Insurance Plans

All students are covered under a student accident insurance policy (secondary coverage) while they are on campus or on a school sponsored trip. In addition, students currently enrolled at Antelope Valley College are eligible to receive minor medical treatment. Examples of minor medical problems that are covered: coughs, colds, mild vomiting, fever, mild diarrhea, sore throats, sinus infections, minor ear aches and rashes. Examples of services that are not covered and you will have to pay for: diagnostic tests such as laboratory or radiology, more complicated treatment such as suturing, casting, physical or respiratory therapy and medication. You may receive treatments in the clinic for up to three visits per semester. You will be responsible for full charges after your third visit.

If you need minor medical treatment, call the Office of Business Services, 661.722.6300, extension 6302, for location of approved medical facility.


Estimated College Expenses Including Housing

Housing Expenses

Antelope Valley College does not maintain on-campus housing. Costs in the community vary greatly with apartment rentals ranging from $550 to $850 monthly.

Estimated College Expenses

The following are estimated costs of college attendance for a nine-month academic year. These figures include costs of enrollment fee, books and supplies, food and housing, miscellaneous personal expenses, and transportation. The costs range from $11,700 to $19,944.

Student living at home: $11,700

Student living away from home: $19,944

Add $341.00 per semester unit for nonresident tuition, capital outlay fee if you are not a California resident.



Nonresident Tuition Fee Exemption

Education Code section 68075.6 grants an immediate nonresident tuition fee exemption to eligible special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and refugee students who settled in California upon entering the United States. This exemption is granted for one year from the date the student settled in California upon entering the United States.

This exemption applies to the following:

  • Iraqi citizens or nationals (and their spouses and children) who were employed by the United States Government in Iraq (Pub.L. No. 110-181, § 1244)
  • Afghan and Iraqi translators (and their spouses and children) who worked directly with the United States Armed Forces (Pub.L. No. 109-163, § 1059)
  • Afghanistan nationals who were employed by or on behalf of the U.S. government or in the international Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan (Pub.L. No. 111-8, § 602)
  • Refugee students admitted to the United States under Section 1157 of Title 8 of the United States Code
