Evidence related to Standard III.D.
- III.D.10. Foundation - Grant Application Fall 2015
- III.D.10. Foundation - Grant Guidelines Fall 2015
- III.D.1. SP and BC Joint Meeting 7.15.15
- III.D.1. SP-BC Flow Chart 2014
- III.D.1. SPBC Minutes 2.4.15
- III.D.1 Budget Allocation Rubric
- III.D.1 Budget Committee Minutes 9.23.15
- III.D.1 Internal Audit ASO
- III.D.1 Internal Audit Bookstore
- III.D.1 Internal Audit Cafeteria
- III.D.1. Budget Allocation Rubric
- III.D.10 Exhibit A
- III.D.10 Foundation 2015-16 Strategic Plan Overview- Resource Development
- III.D.10 Foundation Bylaws
- III.D.10 Summary of Expenditure _ Purchase Order Report
- III.D.10. Master Schedule of Reports and Assessments 2016
- III.D.10. Payden and Rygel AVC Foundation report
- III.D.10. Perkins Proposals 2015-16
- III.D.2 College Coordinating Council policy review
- III.D.2 College-wide Planning Retreat 2015
- III.D.2. Admin Council Retreat Agenda 8.5.14
- III.D.2. Budget Allocation Rubric
- III.D.2. College planning retreat agenda 9.25.15
- III.D.2. College Wide Planning Retreat Presentation 2014
- III.D.3 Spring 2016 Opening Day Agenda
- III.D.3. Spring 2016 Welcome Back Day Agenda
- III.D.3. Welcome Back Day Fall 2014 Agenda
- III.D.5 Chancellor's Office Letter 3.3.16
- III.D.5 Fiscal Independence Final Audit 11.16.15
- III.D.5 Fiscal Independence Plan
- III.D.5 LACOE Approval 12.4.15
- III.D.5. Board Communication 4.9.12
- III.D.6. Budget Allocation Rubric
- III.D.9 Three Year Budget Projections
- IIID.1 SPBC Minutes documenting split (1 of 2)
- IIID.1 SPBC Minutes documenting split (2 of 2)
- III.D.15. Default Prevention and Mangement Plan
- III.D.15. Default Action Items Updated
- III.D.4. Townhall Finance Presentation 5.17.16