- AVC EMP Final 8-20-16
- AVC Board Summary Report 9-12-16 (Version 6)
- AVC Board Summary Report 9-12-16 (Version 5)
- AVC EMP Draft 8-20-16
- AVC EMP Timeline
- AVCCD Outline EMP Component 9-22-15
- AVC All Campus Retreat 9-25-2015
- AVC External Scan
- AVC EMP Ch.II. Introduction draft
- AVC EMP Ch.III. Overview of the College Draft
- V. Environmental Scan
- AVC Internal Scan 2-17-16
- AVE EMP VIII Projections for Future Growth Draft 3-12-16
- April 11, 2016 Board Working Session Presentation
- Opportunities for the Future v4 5-04-16
- AVC EMP Ch. VII Opportunities for the Future 5-05-16
- AVC EMP Appendix D and E 5-05-16
- AVC EMP- Ch VI. A. Key Planning Assumptions 2-19-2016
- AVC EMP- Ch. IV. Philosophy, Vision, Mission, Values, Practices 2-04-16