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Data Dashboards

Explore our dashboards below. The dashboards enable you to filter by student demographics and other characteristics, offering deeper insights into our student population and identifying where our institution should concentrate efforts to close equity gaps.

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Public Dashboards (Tableau Site)

Link to Dashboard Description Updates
Student Profile | Latest linked (Fall 2024) Shows student characteristics (i.e., race/ethnicity, age groups, gender, PT/FT status, etc.) for the latest major term 

Semester (Spring | Fall)

Student Majors Shows student majors by student characteristics like age groups, race/ethnicity, gender, Pell, and Areas of Study Semester
Fill Rates for Major Terms at Census Shows discipline and course fill rates for the last three years Semester (Spring | Fall)
AVC Annual Headcount Shows long-term headcount trends by overall, race/ethnicity, gender, and age groups Annually


Link to Dashboard Description Updates
Institutional Set Standards Shows information for AVC's Institutional Set Standard (ISS), including Fall course success & retention rates (can disaggregate by modality and demographic group), awards, transfers to 4 year, CTE job placements Annually
AVC Facts Shows annual headcount, student demographics, student enrollment status, financial aid, transfers, program awards and faculty demographics Annually
Student Support Services Shows headcount, credit enrollment, credit FTES, retention rates, success rates, and awards by special populations (CalWORKS, CARE, CCAP, EOPS, First Gen, Foster Youth, Incarcerated students, MCHS, Military, OSD, Puente, Special Admit, Umoja and Veterans)


(Spring | Fall)

Program Awards Shows program awards by academic year and allows you to filter by major, ethnicity, and gender. Annually
Dual Enrollment Shows headcount and enrollment (overall, by race/ethnicity, gender, & age), and success and retention rates for Special Admit and CCAP programs Annually


Link to Dashboard Description Updates
Student Equity Plan Shows data for the five metrics (successful enrollment in the first year, persistence for primary terms, completion of transfer level Math and English, and completion of Vision goal). Data is disaggregated by demographic groups and intersected with gender. Disproportionate Impact (DI) is examined for all disaggregations Annually
Placement Dashboard (AB1805) Shows the Multiple Measure Score Placement Recommendation (MMSR) for all AVC applicants by race/ethnicity Annually

AB1705 Dashboard

Shows enrollment, success, and retention by Multiple Measure Score Placement Recommendation (MMSR) for ENGL 101, SLAM Math and STEM Math. Data can be disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, and Pell. Annually


Dashboard Link Description Updates
AVC Service Area Demographics and Characteristics Shows AVC service area demographics, social & economic characteristics, long-term employment and population projections Annually
K-12 Enrollment and Projections Shows HS capture rates, public school enrollment trends, HS graduates, and enrollment projections by grade Annually


Internal Dashboards (Precision Campus)

Precision Campus (Sign-in using your AVC credentials)

Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs: The portal is pre-set with the 'faculty' setting. If you have not taught courses at AVC, the dashboards will not populate with data. If this is your first time logging in, please email research@avc.edu.


Faculty Reports Deans, Chairs, and Managers
You can now access your student success data disaggregated by race/ethnicity and gender via Precision Campus. This data is only viewable to you.

The following dashboards are available to assist with your data-informed decision-making

  • Enrollment by division/department
  • Daily enrollment trends
  • Optimized fill rates
  • Productivity Measures by Section
  • Classroom Meeting Times
  • Section Fill Rates by Subject