Student Services
Campus walkway with banners

Campus Events and Transportation is under the direction of Mike Harris, Campus Events and Transportation Supervisor. The department handles of wide range of critical responsibilities for Antelope Valley College. The department takes pride in offering quality service to faculty, students, staff and visitors. The planning and execution of all events, for all community and college requests, are handled by the Campus Events staff. Maintenance, scheduling and coordination of all district transportation requirements are the responsibility of the Transportation staff. The Operations staff is responsible for move support, recycling and waste management tasks.

Department Information

(661)722-6300, extension 6562

Reserve a District Vehicle

Submit a district FV&GCR form and submit via the FS Work Request System.  Signature approvals on the Trip Request form are completed through the Business office. Due to limited availability of district vehicles it is recommended that your request be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the date of the trip. If you have questions, or require additional information, contact the Supervisor of Campus Events, Transportation & Operations, Mike Harris, via email at

Request Use of a District Facility

Request forms for use of district facilities are required for the proper application of the state Civic Center Act which provides direction for the allowed use of public facilities. The requested information allows AVC Campus Events staff to properly schedule and plan for events on campus for college and public entities.

Department Responsibilities

  • Organize, schedule and coordinate all aspects of college events for on-campus and off-campus locations. Includes athletic, ASO and student outreach events as well as college seminars, meetings, job fairs, ceremonies and other college sponsored events.
  • Organize, schedule and coordinate all aspects of public events in conformance with the California Education Code Civic Center Act.
  • Support and coordinate personnel and equipment moves.
  • Select and supervise district transportation drivers.
  • Maintain and repair district vehicle fleet. Schedule and coordinate district vehicle use.
  • Coordinate District recycling and waste management program.

Department Facts

  • 116.43 tons of waste diverted in 2015-16
  • $6,200, Estimated revenue from recycling in 2015-16
  • 2306 requests for campus events planning in 2023/24
  • 352 District vehicle trips booked in 2023/24

Department Links